I didn't get the opportunity to go away to college. It's the one thing I regret the most. Because of this I always encouraged my sons to think about out of state colleges. I wanted them to experience certain freedoms and interactions that they would not have received if they stayed nearby. Yet the one [...]

As the proud fur mom, aka dog owner, of two Toy Aussies, I'm the first to admit that I baby them. I bake them special treats, take them to the park, buy them special clothes and even read to them! They're family. So when others complain that dogs take up too much time and money, [...]

Over the years, I've spoken openly about the abuse I witnessed as a child. The first time I met my biological father I watched him beat my stepmother. Bang. Bang. Bang. Her head hit the kitchen counter. Then the wall. *Lo que pasa en la casa se queda en la casa. He pounded on her [...]

It's been eight years since my divorce was finalized. Yet, I'm still learning how to co-parent with my Ex. This stage in my life, my boys' lives, didn't come with a manual. It's been a learning process. I may not have all the answers, but what I have learned is that letting go is essential [...]

Recently, while speaking to a neighbor the topic of divorce came up and I mentioned I was divorced. She seemed shocked. Her: Well that changes everything! Me: How so? Her: I thought you were a single Mom! Being a divorced Mom makes you respectable. Growing up I often heard the chisme/gossip about the woman down [...]

Puerto Rican actress and Latina On a Mission, Gina Rodriguez is taking a stand on bullying. Working with the Be Good to Each Other campaign, she is raising awareness during National Bully Awareness Month. Growing up I often heard adults state that children and teens were just horsing around. However, we now know that bullying, both [...]

Around the country many students have officially gone back to school. Students in New York City return to school next week. The initial back to school glee felt by Moms, and students alike, may have already started ebbing and been replaced by incredible juggling acts. Homework, studying and hectic schedules are just some of the [...]

Becky here! I'm a new LOAM writer. Just to give a little background, I'm a single Mom of two, living in NYC. I've been single for approximately two years and recently decided to jump back into the dating world. A short time ago I met a man while traveling abroad. Actually, we met on the [...]

On the second Sunday of this month, June 14th, we celebrate a very special day in New York City. It is Flag Day around the country, but it is Puerto Rican Day in Nueva York. Puerto Ricans will not be celebrating any special holiday; certainly not it’s independence, or any battle, famous citizen or leader. [...]

I am the mother of two precious boys. I do not have a daughter, but I dream of her. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my boys--but I would enjoy nothing more than to share, and make memories, with a daughter as well. My sons were planned, and thought out blessings, who will carry on [...]
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