

Wordless Wednesday, with a few Wordful words

This week I had a scare when Big K’s school nurse called to tell me to pick him up. She insisted he showed symptoms of swine flu and had to be taken to the emergency. I was terrified! Just that morning I had read about the first death in New York City. I quickly jumped into a cab to pick him up from school and take him to the nearest hospital. The hospital triage nurse immediately handed Big K a mask and ushered us into an isolation room. As we waited for the doctors to come check him out, it became apparent to me that he could not have swine flu. Why? Because like any other typical teen he was complaining that the mask cramped his style and made him look un-cool! I might of  laughed if I hadn’t been so worried.

It didn’t appear to be swine flu so we were eventually released and on our way home with strict orders from the hospital to return if his symptoms progressed or worsen. That night as my oldest slept, I wept with joy. My baby, my closest friend,  was going to be alright. 

For this Wordless, ummm Wordful Wednesday, I searched through my pictures to find the perfect one. I found not one but three, all of Big K. They are a bit grainy since they were taken almost 15 years ago. I also hid the look of sheer pain and terror  joy and glee that I felt at the moment since its a look that should be guarded closely to ones’ heart and not shown to others who have not given birth themselves, as it may make them flee jump on the bandwagon that only parents can appreciate!


I know it looks like I swallowed a basketball but trust me its Big K, all 8 lbs 13 oz of him! My petite size 2 was destroyed and never to be seen again!


 There’s my big hunk of boy, 5 seconds old, and 2 weeks late! Isn’t he HUGE!




Seven days later, Big K’s first smiles and winks, his trademark!


Visit 5 Minutes for Mom to see other Wordless Wednesday’s who are actually Wordless.  Or visit Seven Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday if you happen to be like me … a chatterbox!

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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