My Christmas tree was originally a 5ft fake tree. I've had it for about 5 years and brought it at a 99¢ store for about $25. This year my sons decided to help and set up the tree. Its came out beautifully except for one teeny tiny thing ... it shrunk by about 3 ft! Seems [...]
Introducing the newest member of my familia/family... Shadow! Shadow is a mini Aussie with blue eyes. He was born on September 15, 2010 and currently weighs 4 lbs. He is honestly all hair! Shadow getting ready to head home... He's home! Sitting with the boys, lounging... All worn out... Happy WW! Feel free to join in the fun by [...]
I love the stairs in the Modell's Sporting Goods Store on 42nd Street. They recently renovated it and added the below picture to the stairwell steps. Although the store selection is not as vast, (the salesperson's stated the selection has changed since its located in a tourist area), the stairs are inspiring. So inspiring, that I always [...]
Because my son, Karl, has recently taken an interest in photography, I have asked him to take over my Wordless Wednesday posts for the remainder of the year. He agreed! He shot the below photo while walking home. He said it reminded him of Miley Cyrus' song "The Climb" Below I have noted a few [...]
My 16 year old son, Karl, has recently taken an interest in photography. I love looking at the world thru his eyes. It gives me a glimpse into his world, the teen world. I plan on showcasing several of his photos here on my site during Wordless Wednesday because YES I am one proud Mommy! The below [...]
As a single working Mami, I don't get to see my girlfriends as much as I would like; however, when we do, we have a blast! These pictures were taken at the Olga Tañon and Prince Royce concert on October 1, 2010. I plan on posting a recap, with videos later on this week. Feel free to [...]

I took this photo in Miami. I played around with the coloring of the background to make the Vespas appear more vibrant. My favorite is the yellow Vespa. Which color Vespa do you prefer? Are you showcasing a photo this week? If so, link up your blog and don't forget to have a Wepa-licious [...]

If you're a New Yorker, you probably recognize the picture below. If you don't, shame on you! It's one of the best NYC Wireless Hotspots and a great place to work, mingle or dine. Do you know where it is? Let us know in a comment or come back tomorrow for the answer! Are you showcasing [...]

My boys and I love to eat Arepitas de Yuca (Yucca Fritters). They are simple and quick, as well as tasty! I made a few for my boys the other day and decided to shape one as a heart. Do you ever shape your food (example: pancakes or sandwiches)? Happy WW!

Andrew, my little man, recently started a new school that requires him to wear slacks and a tie. He loves it! He says he feels like a business man. :) I took these photo this morning on my cell phone, while we waited for the bus. He learned how to do the tie himself after watching [...]
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