As children we can be subjected to many acts of violence whether small or large. On television, in child's play, at school, with friends, our cousins and siblings and even our parents, we can see, hear and feel different aspects of violence. I personally have witnessed, heard and felt it often enough for it to [...]
Jeanette Luis

The author received a product sample to facilitate this review. All opinions noted belong to the author. My immediate family and I (11 total) love spending time together. We love each other so much that we decided to buy a house together in the Poconos! And, we always visit at the same time. Could the [...]

How many times has fear stopped you from doing something you have always wanted to do? After Earth, starring Will Smith and Jaden Smith, addresses this question. It also spoke about family values and love. After being denied a ranger position, Kitai (Jaden Smith), felt he had a lot to prove. His father Cypher (Will [...]

Today was the day. I was heading to Getting Gorgeous and I was excited! I was going to get the chance to sample some great products and meet other bloggers. I was stoked! My day started out fabulously. I had the luxury of taking my time to get ready as my husband and son were [...]

I love receiving packages in the mail, especially packages from They give me a dose of happiness each time. In fact, opening anything from Shopbop makes me Giddy, with a capital "G". At first I thought ShopBop may be too rich for my blood but once I browsed it’s different categories I found a [...]

I'm a big girl, plus size to be exact, and I work out. Rich foods are a staple in my home and especially in the home I was raised in.I doubt that will change– my heritage brings me great food pleasure and my mother’s pasteles will always be one of my favorite foods. See I [...]

Based on true-life events, Snitch starring Dwayne Johnson, has viewers asking, "To what extreme would I go to save my child?" Click for Snitch Movie Review with spoilers. Snitch is an action packed, heart-wrenching movie. John Matthews (played by Dwayne Johnson, who many of you know as The Rock) is a father desperately trying to save his [...]

Based on true-life events, Snitch starring Dwayne Johnson, has viewers asking, "To what extreme would I go to save my child?" Click for Snitch Movie Review without spoilers. Snitch is an action packed, heart-wrenching movie. John Matthews (played by Dwayne Johnson, who many of you know as The Rock) is a father is desperately trying to [...]

La Carterita / The Clutch I post things that I simply love or enjoy, for one reason or another. I think there is a history and a feeling to everything. La Carterita, the clutch, is one of my favorite accessories. I typically go through my day with a huge handbag, or satchel, that I can [...]

Opinion Piece: Valentine's Day From the Eyes of a Wife, first published on Latina On a Mission ©Crazy80frog | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I feel the pressure mounting. Valentine's Day comes with expectations. In my heart, I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment. Yet, it doesn't [...]
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