

Wipe Before You Swipe – Tips to Keep your Cell Phone Germ-Free this Flu Season

While some of us may not want to admit it, most of us have “toilet-texted”. In fact, a recent study shows that 69% of people admit to using their phones in the bathroom. While this doesn’t seem to be the most sanitary place to use your phone, did you know that the average cell phone has 10 times more bacteria on it than most toilet seats?Even Grey’s Anatomy doctors agree!

Bacteria can linger on a device and has the potential to make users ill, especially when sharing electronics with someone else who has been sick. That’s why it’s so important to keep a cell phone germ-free and clean, especially during peak cold and flu season.

Woman laying in bed, hiding the bottom of her face with a white bedsheet.

To keep your phone as germ-free as possible, follow the below tips, courtesy of U.S. Cellular

  • Disinfect your device daily – Use a disinfectant wipe (that’s slightly damp, not wet) Just make sure it doesn’t contain bleach! To make sure it’s not too moist, wring the wipe out a few times before use to minimize moisture on and near the device. After using the disinfectant wipe, wipe the device again with a microfiber cloth. Or, you can use specialized cleaners made for electronics, such as Gadget Guard Greener Cleaner.
  • Try antibiotic putty – The most stubborn areas to clean are the cellphones’ headphone jack, charging port, speaker and microphone openings. Do not use a toothpick or Q-tip to clean these small spaces. They can damage circuitry and/or leave behind cotton fibers. Instead, use antibiotic putty designed specifically for electronics, such as Cyber Clean.
  • Wash your hands often– Studies show that germs travel easily from hands to devices. Clean hands transmit fewer germs onto smartphones and other surfaces, so wash your hands regularly and thoroughly.
  • And last but not least, no toilet-texting (!!) – According to a survey from Sony and British wireless company O2, three-quarters of people use their phone while in the bathroom. This is a huge no no! Germs from the bathroom can wind up on their phone when they “toilet text”!

Check out the video below


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About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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