I just had to share a picture my brother sent me last week .... Yes, it's me on a billboard in Times Square, on my new mission to stop heart disease in women. Won't you join me? Happy WW!


  This past weekend, I met a man with the requisite 3 "H": Handsome, Hardworking and HAWT! But let me start from the beginning... On Sunday, the boys and I went to the XYZ Pet Store in Chelsea to buy a few goodies for Shadow, my 4 1/2  month old puppy. While at the store, we noticed [...]


  This week promises to be a whirlwind of activity for me. I have several events planned for something I am very passionate about, women's heart health. I am excited to be part of an organization that shares my passion:  Go Red for Women and Go Red Por Tu Corazón, the Spanish version of Go Red. During my [...]


Its been so long since I've written a blog post about my family and what's been going on in our lives. We've been so busy, it's been hard for me to carve out some time to blog! Thankfully, the boys are back in school so I've been able to catch up on quite a bit. [...]

Did You See The Latest News? Thumbnail Did You See The Latest News? Thumbnail

  It's true! I've had a horrible cold, with a hacking cough (very Latinalicious huh?), that's kept me out of commission for several days. My last post was almost 5 days ago, which is an eternity in blogging world. I promise to come back next week with some wonderful news. Until then, I have several posts that [...]


Today I looked in the mirror and saw the child within. She giggled behind pudgy little hands, her eyes alight with glee, dancing on two little feet as she gazed at me. "What will we do today?" she asked in her singsong voice. Can we wear our red dress with Dorothy's red shoes? Can we skip [...]


Last week I finally updated my Wordpress site to 3.0.1. I also activated a new cache plugin called WP Super Cache. I implemented the changes hoping to speed up my site's load time, however instead of speeding up my site it caused me countless headaches.  After the update/new plugin, my emails/RSS feed was no longer updating. My [...]

We Are Not At Disney =( Thumbnail We Are Not At Disney =( Thumbnail

Let me begin this post by saying, "We are not at Disney." Everything that could have went wrong did. My sons'  couldn't find their last minute items, the taxi got stuck behind an unloading truck in midtown Manhattan, and when I went to print out our tickets, I was told to see the agent. I should have [...]

#MagicalMoms are getting the #DisneyMedia Royalty Treatment! Thumbnail #MagicalMoms are getting the #DisneyMedia Royalty Treatment! Thumbnail

If you are not a Twitter user, you must be wondering,  "What the heck does "#MagicalMoms are getting the #DisneyMedia Royalty Treatment!" mean?!" Well, let me explain... Disney World has launched a new social media marketing campaign. To monitor the campaign on Twitter they are using specially created hashtags or groupings that are prefixed with a number sign [...]

Children are not Mini Adults Thumbnail Children are not Mini Adults Thumbnail

Image: Simon Howden / My sons are pretty mature for their age. I don't coddle or baby them, not because I don't want to, but because as a single mother, I don't have the time.  I never realized just how much I treated them like mini adults until recently when I was talking to my youngest. [...]


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