Ready to get out and play this summer? If your family’s anything like mine you’re probably already firing up the grill and feeling the pressure to re-stock summer staples. That’s why I decided to go ahead and put together a helpful shopping list and pointers you can use to save time and money on summer care staples for active families + coupon below.
During the summer my youngest son loves doing two things: going on adventures around the neighborhood and playing in the water. So, I always make sure my medicine cabinet is fully stocked with NEOSPORIN® + PAIN RELIEF Ointment for minor cuts and scrapes, BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages in fun patterns like Disney Princesses, and Neutrogena® Beach Defense® sunscreen—it’s formulated to stand up to intense sun and ocean water, making it perfect for pool days.
Just like my youngest, my 20 year old son always seems to use summertime as an opportunity to dig into a new activity. I help him clean up the successes (and failures) with NEUTROGENA® MEN® face scrubs and lotions, which are specially formulated for men’s skin.
With the kids home all day, summer can get a bit hectic, so sometimes I have to remind myself to take a vacation too. After taking care of my family, I protect myself using NEUTROGENA® Ultra Sheer® sunscreen. The lightweight, spray-on formula goes on easily and dries quickly, so it feels invisible on your skin. Bonus, it doesn’t clog pores — so it’s good for my complexion too!
Head to to get all these products for an everyday low price. Once you’re on the page, click around to find more helpful summer care tips and coupons you can use to save even more! Having a blast this summer doesn’t have to be hard work.
This guide will help you get your family’s summer lineup in one trip!
Let’s talk! Did I miss anything in this list? What is your MUST summer buy to keep your family safe and clean?
Disclosure: This is a compensated post created for Latina On a Mission.
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I haven’t used NEUTROGENA in a very long time. I used to like it too… not sure why I quit using it.
Terry recently posted..Sinful Peanut Butter Ice Cream Made With The Yonanas Maker ~ Plus A Giveaway
The main things we use a lot of in the summer are sunscreen,moisturizer,band aids and pain relief.
Kay Adeola recently posted..Monday Already.
I love Neutrogena products but have never tried their sunscreen! Looks great can’t wait to try it!
Neutrogena is the only thing my fiance will use. I will have to give it another try after I finish my current product.
Betsy Mitchell recently posted..Texas Rangers Game Day Attire
Sunscreen and bug repellent are my two musts for summer time! If I’m missing either one of them, I’m bound to be miserable!
Liz Mays recently posted..What Makes You Sparkle? #SparkleWithDasani
Sunscreen and bug repellent are my two musts for summer time! If I’m missing either one of them, I’m bound to be miserable!
Liz Mays recently posted..What Makes You Sparkle? #SparkleWithDasani
I like the push on men’s products. Guys want to look and feel good, too!
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama recently posted..Ticking off the Summer Bucket List
We have to keep neosporin and bandaids on hand in the summer. Sunscreen is another must!
Shell recently posted..Hey, It’s Okay: Summer Edition
Essentials in my house with 2 little boys are definitely Neosporin and Band-Aids!!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted..5 Tips to Making Travel and Exercise Successful
I love this brand, NEUTROGENA. We also make sure to have plenty of popsicles, water, and sunscreen!
Shop with Me Mama (Kim) recently posted..KidzBloom: Trendy Clothes for Your Little Ones
My husband really likes the Neutrogena Mens line. He has sensitive skin so it helps a lot. Sensitive skin + harsh products = No Bueno.
Amanda Her recently posted..Fountain Fun at Festival Park in Elgin, IL
We always stock up on bandaids, neosporin, and sunscreen in the summer. Ohh, and something as natual as we can get, for bug spray.
Jenni E. {Sweet Pennies from Heaven} recently posted..Pool Bag Essentials and Slimfast® #14DaysToSlim
I received some NEUTROGENA® Ultra Sheer® sunscreen and totally love it. Doesn’t stink and so far, hasn’t stained my clothes like most sunscreens do.
Chrystal @ YUM eating recently posted..Lazy Low Carb Pepperoni Pizza
I absolutely adore Neutrogena products! I use their facewash every day and my husband uses the aftershave.
Felicia recently posted..5 Healthy Switches: Watermelon-Basil Summer Drink #SilkAlmondBlends
We always have a full stock of bandages in our bathroom closet. My almost 4 year old gets boo boos often — and his dad is a little accident prone sometimes too!
Kecia recently posted..Favorite Summer Firsts with Puracyn
Neutrogena has some great products! They are a go-to face wash of mine.
Jennifer B recently posted..National Grand Marnier Day | Jacques Pépin’s CRÊPES SUZETTE
I have sunscreen. Lots and lots of sunscreen. I’ve also stocked up on bandages because we’re outside a lot and my son isn’t the most careful child.
Jaime recently posted..miscellany Monday – back from vacation
I love Neutrogena products, but I’ve never had hubby try them. Maybe I will!
Jessica (Savory Experiments) recently posted..The Writing Process- A Blog Tour
Neosporin and Band-aids are definitely on our list when it comes to summer care for our family. I love to get the Band-aids that have characters. Makes the pain from ouchie seem to hurt less.
Shannon Gosney recently posted..The Ultimate Japanese and Sushi Experience at Benihana
I love J&J products, definitely important this time of year! Neutrogena sunscreen is fantastic!
Christie recently posted..Good Cook Fruit Bowl Giveaway
My daughters like Neutrogena products. The lotions are pretty good.
Brandi recently posted..BTS TBX EFI Touring Scooter Sweepstakes Announcement
these all look like summer must haves. I will need to stock up
veronica recently posted..A Small Powder Room Makeover
Definitely sunscreen and lotion are my summer must haves. I burn easily and my feet get so dry running around in sandals all day!
Theresa recently posted..$1 Movie Theater
Sunscreen is so important! I also have tons of SPF lip balm.
krystalskitsch recently posted..Freeze Your Favorite Beer | Redd’s Strawberry Ale Pops
Neuotrogena is our favorite sunscreen, everything else makes my kids break out! Sunscreen is my biggest must have, and flip flops
Aimee Smith recently posted..The Voice Tour & $1000 Giveaway!
Fantastic products. Agree they are essential for summer.
I’d like to try the Neutrogena spray. I like that you can wear it on your face and not worry about clogged pores.
I think wipes are great to have on the go. My kids are always making messes wherever they go.
Amy D recently posted..DIY Kid’s Good Behavior Chart Craft + Share a Coke Reward
Neutrogena is my go to skin care products. I just love them and have used them for a long time. I didn’t know they made a men’s line. I will have to tell my sons about it.
I was without a first-aid kit when we went camping and regretted it. A great list of things to keep our kids safe this summer.
Kathy recently posted..Combat Summer Brain Drain with Go Math! Academy #Giveaway
Neosporin is always in our house and bags. We also make sure to lather up with the Neutrogena Wet Skin before heading out.
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest recently posted..July Literary Junkies
For us, we have to have sunscreen and bug spray. Around here you can’t go outside without getting bit by mosquitoes, and I always get burnt.
Carly Anderson recently posted..Grill Recipes: Sausages + Spicy BBQ Sauce
Thank you for the money saving pointer! I love when people share a product and then tell me how to get it cheaper!
Carly Bellard recently posted..Traveling with Food Allergies: Tips and Resources for eating safe on the road
My husband uses a lot of Neutrogena products! Their face wash and shave cream are fantastic!
Jenn @TheRebelChick recently posted..The New #DisneyMoviesAnywhere App Makes Summer Travel With Kids Easier!
Always love those NEUTROGENA products! We keep stocked up on suntan lotion because we are always outside. I love deals! Thanks.
Chrysa recently posted..Rio 2 Fun, FREE Printables + a Reader Giveaway
Thanks for sharing these coupons! I need to grab some thing before we head out of town to the amusment park and some of those items are on my list!
Lisa recently posted..Muppets Most Wanted on Blu-ray + Hilarious Bonus Content
We keep the bandaids and bug spray on hand all summer long. Those are must-haves for sure!
Danielle @ We Have It All recently posted..The BADASS Dash™ is Coming to Chicago, $15 Discount Here! Funds Go To Autism Speaks
I didnt even know there was an Neutrogena for men..oops! Thanks for sharing that tidbit!!
We go through a lot of sunscreen in the summer. I haven’t used the Neutrogena brand but maybe I can try it this year.
Michelle Christopher recently posted..You Are the Most Interesting Version of Your Self
I’ll have to try their sunscreen. I haven’t been able to spend much time by the pool this year but I’m hoping to soon!
April @ Everyday Fitness and Nutrition recently posted..This Week in Training #7
I love Neutrogena products. We always have a bottle of their sunscreen in the summer.
These are all must haves for the summer. Especially the Neosporin for the kiddos!
I do love their products. I got hooked when I was younger and my eczema was out of control.
cam | bibs and baubles recently posted..7 Years and No Itch
Neutrogena is a great brand they have alot of great products.
I use them often.
Becka recently posted..Children’s eBook, Adventures of Ai