Wordless Wednesday: View From My Window Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: View From My Window Thumbnail

My boys were looking out the window this weekend, exclaiming how beautiful the sky looked. They called me over to see. I had to agree. The colors as the sun was setting were amazing! Below are a few of the pictures I was able to take after our moment.  They were taken back to back but if [...]

Wordless Wednesday: He Speaks! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: He Speaks! Thumbnail

Big K, my 15 year old teen, was recently selected to speak at Columbia. I couldn't have been prouder and YES I cried with joy as I watched my young man at the podium! He looks a little nervous doesn't he? But his voice didn't quiver! I made him smile for this picture ;) While the panelists [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Football! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Football! Thumbnail

Since I know there are lots of football fans out there, like my little man Prince, this one's for you! There are a few locations within New York where you can enjoy a throw or two for FREE. Just make sure you have your throwing arm in gear because all who pass can see just [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Desserts! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Desserts! Thumbnail

Can you tell we love desserts?! When the boys and I go out, we normally order 2 or more desserts and share but I have to admit I tried to take a couple of extra bites of these. ;)   This piece of art is a banana split. It was HUGE!     As you can tell, it was [...]

Wordless Wednesday: A Weekend With Family Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: A Weekend With Family Thumbnail

My nephews recently came from Florida to spend some time with the family. We decided to visit the Intrepid and had a wonderful time! Below are the boys with my Mami. From left to right is  Big M (nephew), Nik (nephew), Mami, Big K (my son) and in front is Prince (my son).   The two charmers, [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Secret Garden Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Secret Garden Thumbnail

As much as I love living in the city, I find the hustle and bustle can sometimes overwhelm me. When those moments stike I can't help but hear Grand Master Flash. "Don't push me 'cuz I'm close to the edge I'm trying not to lose my head Uh huh ha ha ha It's like a jungle [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Fits me to a Tee! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Fits me to a Tee! Thumbnail

Last week as I was strolling along 5th Avenue, I came upon these Tees in a store display. I loved them! They fit me to a Tee, although I'm sure not for the reason you think! hehe Can you guess what store they came from? I'll give you a hint ... its not a clothing [...]

Wordless Wednesday: The Prince and the Dragonfly Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: The Prince and the Dragonfly Thumbnail

Last week the boys and I took a drive to New Jersey. While enjoying the suburban lifestyle, my boys found a dead Dragonfly on the sidewalk. They were so excited, especially Prince. He had never seen such a huge bug! He is definitely a city boy. :)       Visit 5 Minutes for Mom to see other Wordless [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Zzzzzzzz Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Zzzzzzzz Thumbnail

  We interrupt this regularly scheduled Wordless Wednesday to get some sleep. Your Wordless/Wordful Wednesday is important to us,  so please leave your link after the beep and we'll swing by when we wake! ..... BEEPPPPPPPPPP

Wordless Wednesday: My Baby Boy Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: My Baby Boy Thumbnail

  This weekend, I was going through my pictures trying to upload as many as possible and I came across this picture of Prince. He was about 10 months here.  He was a big, happy baby that has grown to be a  big, happy boy! =) Happy WW!


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