Do you recall coloring as a child? I do! I remember sitting at the kitchen table, humming the latest song playing on the radio, as I took my time choosing the color that would make the picture sparkle. I spent hours coloring page after page. It was one of my favorite past-times. Now that I'm [...]
Chic & Cheap

This morning as I was getting ready for the day, I heard about a new nail polish on the radio. I thought it was a joke until I did a search online. It's real. Edible nail polish is REAL. KFC has created two edible nail polishes and they taste like chicken. Yup, chicken. Original (cream/beige) [...]

Today Latina On a Mission starts a new fashion series called Friday #Fashion Five. We'll feature new trends and chic finds. We'll also use the series to showcase outfits of the day (#OOTD). Feel free to let me know what you think in a comment! This week we're showcasing the Cork Edition. The Friday #Fashion [...]

This is the year of fitness! We are going all in and these products will keep you motivated. Scroll down to grab ShopBops' 25% coupon code before purchasing any of these items. Restrictions apply. Spanx in active wear?! We're in love! Not only do these offer support, they are stylish to boot. Visually, the [...]

We have exciting news! It's time for another Shopbop sale. Use the coupon code below for additional savings. Check out the Shopbop Holiday Gift Guide for ideas for her, for him, for the kids, and for the home. They're one of a kind, unique, options that are versatile, trendy and perfect for the holidays ... [...]

New Yorkers are known to love black - black jeans, black slacks, black blouses and most importantly... black booties. This year I challenge you to give the boot to your black booties and grab these 9 fab booties for the Fall Season. They're not only colorful, they'll look fashionable in or out of the office. [...]

Will those shoes hurt after I buy them? If you're anything like me this is one of the first questions that pops into your mind when shoe shopping - after "How fab are these shoes?!" of course! I'll admit it. I'm a shoeaholic. I have more shoes than space but each pair get used and [...]

Disclosure: The Suavitel Fragance Pearls were given to me by Colgate-Palmolive for review purposes. Though Colgate-Palmolive compensated me in exchange for writing and publishing this content, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I was surprised. Surprised and overjoyed. They did this for me. Planned it out. Got me out of the house. And, scrambled [...]

Lets get real. I don't always wear stilettos. I wish I did! But reality is that my feet would be in hella pain if I wore stilettos on a daily basis. For everyday wear I prefer flats and slip on shoes. They're versatile, great for walking and stylish to boot! So, take a peek at [...]

One of my favorite online boutiques, ShopBop, is having a rare Black Friday type Spring sale! And because the fellas are sure to need a few things as well, East Dane is also offering the same stellar sale. Below are a few of my favorite basic Spring pieces. You can mix and match these pieces [...]
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