I think this Dad needs a new vanity license plate unless he WANTS to get speeding tickets!
What do you think?
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{ 32 comments… add one }
Further corroboration of my WW pic. C DadGetTicket is more like it.
maybe fli = fly as in cool and not fast
uh…yeah! I would take notice of that red sports car real fast!
That’s a good one!
Hahahahaha!! Yeah I’d say he’s asking for some trouble!! Wonder if he also has a tattoo on his forehead that says STUPID!!
Happy WW!
Maybe dad is a pilot?
Even so, I can see that may not be the best boast on the highway
That’s one sweet tag!
Hahaha that’s a great tag!
And he’s driving a red car. I wonder how many tickets he’s already racked up.
That is so clever! I hope he doesn’t get a ticket.
Best wishes,
I think that’s a midlife crisis vanity plate.
Wonder how many tickets dad has gotten ‘flying’…
Hahahah! I love his license plate! I think he probably gets pulled over more than he should thanks to his vanity plate
I like that. LOL
OK, I’m not so good with the vanity plates. I couldn’t make out what he was trying to brag about until I read Gigi’s comment. I’m a bit slow. LOL C-IM-SLO
I love it. Maybe he should change cars with mom.LOL
LOL! I think you are right!
Uh, I think that dad is going through a mid-life crisis! lol Don’t go near him. lol
Thanks for stopping by and linking up. I hope you and the boys are doing well. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
Every dad’s dream… Happy WW! https://weloveiowa.blogspot.com/2010/06/wordless-wednesday-sweet-victory.html
LOL! I heard those things cost a bunch, or I’d get one.
Sounds like a mid-life crisis to me. Don’t send him to get the milk. LOL
Feel free to pass by my WW post:
An Argument Waiting To Happen https://bit.ly/cDgJsk
I’m not so good with I’s for Y’s. It took me a minute to get it. I thought it was something about daffodils at first. I need more coffee.
That’s too funny! I beats the new yellow ones for NYS…I’m not a fan of those.
Haha! That is a good one.. some ppl come up with great sayings!
That is a riot! Happy WW — thanks for the linky!!
At least he´s making us laught Lol
I think its funny!
Haha, I agree, and hes in a red car no less, he’s asking for it.
License plates such as these make it easier to track ppl down. Had an accident over the weekend. Due to his easy to read the license plate, the police was able to track him down.
Thank you so much!
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