Sabroso Saturday

It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ********************       During the Christmas holidays, many Puerto Rican families partake in Coquito, a spanish egg nog that includes rum. Below is a recipe I received from one of [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** With the holidays right around the corner and barely any time to cook, my sons have been taking advantage of my George Foreman Grill by helping [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** A few weeks ago I mentioned that I received the George Foreman Evolve Grill for review and I have to say its my newest passion!  This week's [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** This week I am featuring a recipe I discovered on the back of a flour bag, Honey Whole Wheat Bread. I found this recipe a few [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** As one of the Go Red For Women and Go Red Por Tu Corazon Spokeswomen, I've been trying to live a healthier life, which means [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** This week's recipe is a request from one of my Twitter followers, who wanted an authentic Puerto Rican Sancocho recipe. Sancocho is a type of [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** My boys and I had our first crepes at iHop. They were delicious! However, they were loaded with calories and weren't very heart healthy. In [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** This week's Sabroso Saturday features Chocolate Rice Pudding and contains chocolate milk. The recipe is a  wonderful variation of the Arroz con Leche/Spanish Style Rice Pudding I [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** I love Frappuccinos! However, I haven't had the opportunity to enjoy them as much as I like because of the Starbucks cost factor. Thankfully, I was [...]


It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)!  The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ********************  This week I am featuring an extra special treat - Chocolate French Toast! During the week my boys eat quick and healthy breakfast meals before [...]


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