It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. ******************** In the summertime, my Mami would always get a break from cooking when we went to City Island. City Island was known among Latinos in [...]
Sabroso Saturday

It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. ******************** I had my first taste of shrimp when I was 27. I was on a date and I didn't want to appear uncouth when I [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. ******************** I've been in sunny Puerto Rico all week, spending time with family and friends, while getting some much needed sun (Vitamin D ROCKS!). I fly [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** I first fell in love with Escabeche de Guineos y Mollejas (Spanish Style Green Bananas & Chicken Gizzards) when I was pregnant with my youngest [...]

It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** This week I made Spiced Chicken Breasts with Glazed Cinnamon Apples. I discovered it in the Go Red "Recipes for the Heart" recipe book. The recipe was [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** With February just around the corner, I've been thinking about Valentine's Day. Although I don't have a mate right now, I love helping my friends plan [...]

It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** This past week was a hard one. I had to rush my Mom to emergency, my 9 year old missed 2 days of school, my [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** I try to make at least 2 non-meat meals per week. I find this helps me save some money (and my waistline!). For these meals, I [...]

It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** I'm a brunch type of gal. I don't normally roll out of bed at 7 am. In fact, I have to be pushed, prodded and pulled out of [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health! ******************** This past week I had lots of time to cook and bake at a leisurely pace so I took the time to make a few [...]
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