It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. Today we're going to share an authentic sofrito recipe! This is a Guest Post by Eliza Valentin-Guerra, a Latina On a Mission reader. ********************Over the years, I've had [...]
Sabroso Saturday
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. This is a Guest Post by Rachel White of The Digital Latina. ********************Put up the decorations, trim the tree, make the coquito and lets bake some [...]

It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. ******************** This past week, while at church, a few of the women began chatting about recipes. After listening to them, I was inspired to go home [...]
If you follow Sabroso Saturday, my recipe blog hop, than you've heard I've been working with PAM. As someone who used PAM before the sponsorship, I can honestly state that its been a pleasure taste testing new recetas/recipes. Even better, PAM has made clean up stress a thing of the past! As someone who occasionally [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. ******************** This past week, the boys and I tried a Pam receta/recipe, I received when I began working with Pam. It came with my initial package [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. ******************** Earlier this week I went to the market and brought enough food to last at least a month (I hope!). Of course, all that food [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. ******************** It's officially Fall. The weather is cooling. The kids are back in school. And me...I'm cooking! I normally cook my family meals without a recipe. [...]
As promised, I am re-starting Sabroso Saturday, also known as Sabroso Sabado - Translation: Tasty Saturday, the recipe blog and twitter hop I previously hosted. I discontinued it for some time because I wasn't cooking as much. See What is Sabroso Saturday? for more info. In the future, if I can not create a recipe or post one [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. ******************** With the busyness of this past month, I have to admit I needed a break so the boys and I decided we would go out to [...]
It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health. Today we are sharing a basic egg salad recipe. ******************** Why does it seem like summer vacation is the hardest time of the year for parents? When [...]
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