Wordless Wednesday: Andrew’s Birthday Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Andrew’s Birthday Thumbnail

My baby recently turned 9. We celebrated at the bowling alley with his two closest friends. They had a blast!  They had to be dragged over to take this picture. Once they did, we were ready to pick our bowling balls...   Andrew went first... Ethan watched with anticipation. Yay! Andrew knocked down seven pins!  Now pay attention Ethan, [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Shoe Style Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Shoe Style Thumbnail

Shoes are an integral part of my families life. Not only are they fashionable but they are a barometer on how we feel on any given day. From flirty and fun to the serious and hohum, we have them all!   Recently while organizing our shoes I discovered a pair of shoes my teen wore [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Puerto Rico y Sofia Maldonado Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Puerto Rico y Sofia Maldonado Thumbnail

I recently discovered Sofia Maldonado while walking the city streets. She is a controversial mural artist, who was born in Puerto Rico, from a Cuban mother. Her artwork caught my eye because of its vibrant use of color, its elements of hip hop and reggeton, skateboarding and graffiti, and its trendy depictions of Latina females of [...]

Wordless Wednesday: A Day At the Beach Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: A Day At the Beach Thumbnail

After the bed bug fiasco, I decided that the boys and I needed a break. Thankfully, the weather cooperated with us and we headed to the beach! We watched the kites.   We dug holes. We dug so deep we hit water.   When my little one got inside it reached his waist!   He [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Grab a Cup of Café / Coffee Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Grab a Cup of Café / Coffee Thumbnail

While ordering my large cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee,  I figured I would get you one too (virtually of course)!   So go ahead, order your virtual café/coffee and let us know what's your favorite drink in a comment! You'll need the energy as you check out the other Wordless or Word Filled links below! Happy WW! * [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Graffiti – Art or Vandalism? Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Graffiti – Art or Vandalism? Thumbnail

Although I don't condone the defacement of property, I have to admit some Graffiti Artists do amazing work. Many are often hired to create murals for storefronts, like the one shown below.   I found this particular painting on a storefront in Manhattan, on the Westside,  but I can't recall if it was by 23rd or 14th [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Blissdom Hotel Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Blissdom Hotel Thumbnail

Last week the boys and I went to the Blissdom blog conference in Nashville, Tennessee. It was held at the beautiful Opryland Hotel. The hotel has nine acres of indoor gardens, waterfalls, and the world’s largest indoor river! I have to warn you my pictures do not do the hotel justice. It is even more spectacular [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Isn’t She Adorable?! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Isn’t She Adorable?! Thumbnail

Last year I went to an event in my son's after-school. I was able to catch up with a few people who I haven't seen in awhile. One of the Moms who attended the event had recently given birth. Her daughter is pictured below. Isn't she a cutie? I thought she was adorable and looked so cute [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Spiderman Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Spiderman Thumbnail

I love New York! I've never lived anywhere else where I get to meet so many famous people! This week I saw Spiderman. He displayed the same wit shown in his Marvel comics, ticking off a few boyfriends and husbands with his flirtatious ways. He even grabbed a few ladies and tried to GASP whisk [...]

Wordless Wednesday: The Tax Man Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: The Tax Man Thumbnail

 The Tax Man was begging in Times Square this week. I don't think he got much!


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