Last week I went to the Pier with the boys and a few friends after work. We had a fabulous time. The kids were entertained with the sprinklers, fishing and the dog park, while the adults relaxed and enjoyed the sunset! It was perfect! I took the two below pictures while we enjoyed the evening. If you look [...]

One day, as the boys and I walked down the street we encountered a crowd... then a "ringmaster" (shown above to the right) and a performer ... he claimed he could swallow that sword in his hand. He winked, he was so bold! I thought for sure he would chicken out but alas he didn't! See [...]

I love chicharrónes (pork rinds)! They're one of my favorite munchies ... Hmmm could explain my high moderate cholesterol levels but I digress... Have you ever picked up a bag of these at the corner bodega/store.... Perhaps prettied them up and served them like this... Well, you're missing out from the whole experience! [...]

Before I started WW I rarely looked at my surroundings. I raced back and forth, never taking the time to observe what I passed each day. I just wanted to get from point A to point B (typical New Yorker!). Now I make sure to pay attention and smell the concrete ;) So today I [...]
My boys love Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. I have to admit I'm glad they don't like the same girl but I HATE the arguments I hear about who's prettier, nicer, or sweeter. I finally issued an ultimatum to end these heated debates before they kill each other! We're going to let YOU decide!!!! The [...]

This past weekend I went to my cousin's wedding. I'll post a video later on during the week but I wanted to share a picture of her wedding topper. She said she picked it because she had to drag him to the alter. Of course, he disagreed, saying he was a willing participant but it [...]

Recently while out and about discovering NYC's hidden gems, I came across a fantastic wig store called InvisiWig. The store's logo was "Completely Undetectable Wigs". However, the wigs I chose to picture below are far from "undetectable". I like to a bit more noticeable! The wigs pictured below are called "costume wigs". They are made of silk and bright [...]

This past weekend my boys and I were able to run away to the Coney Island Boom a Ring circus. I plan to share more about our experience in another post but till then I just had to share Big K and Prince's look of awe and amazement. Priceless!

This week during the dreaded celebrated last week of New York City schools, I decided to post pictures of Little Man's after-school! Its a charming townhouse with more character than most of the newer buildings being erected in the Hell's Kitchen area, aka Clinton and Midtown West. For those who haven't seen the backyard of a New York [...]

This past weekend, I went with my son to Columbia for a Teen Business program. Since it was such a beautiful day, we decided to walk home. While walking we came across this phone, a rarity now because of cellular phones. It was made even more distinct because of what it had on it... [...]
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