- Thursday, February 2, at 1 p.m. ET. It will last 30 minutes.
The Motherhood – here is the link to the page where the class will be held: https://www.themotherhood.com/talk/show?id=62363
About the class:
Get ready – and hungry – for Game Day! Cold weather and football puts us in the mood for some tasty slow cooker recipes. Join us to share your favorites and be inspired by suggestions from others! Celebrity chef George Duran will host a live video demonstration of a slow cooker recipe from website Ready Set Eat while we all chat and ask questions via text.
The class is sponsored by ReadySetEat.com and ConAgra Foods, and it is hosted by TheMotherhood. You can get and share suggestions for crowd-pleasing halftime recipes during this class and turn to recipe website ReadySetEat.com for more quick and easy meal ideas.
I hope you’ll join me and the other co-hosts listed below.
- Migdalia, Latina On a Mission, https://latinaonamission.com (ME!)
- Johanna, Momma Cuisine, https://mommacuisine.com
- John, Stay at Stove Dad, https://stayatstovedad.com
- Liz, Thoughts of a Mommy, https://thoughtsofamommy.com
- Melanie, The Coupon Goddess, https://www.thecoupongoddess.com
- Robyn, Robyn’s Online World, https://www.robynsonlineworld.com
- Sarah, Sarah’s Cucina Bella, https://sarahscucinabella.com
- Shari, Earth Mother Just Means I’m Dusty, https://www.dustyearthmother.com
- Silvia, Mama Latina Tips, https://www.mamalatinatips.com
- Yoly, Cuponeando, https://www.cuponeando.net
Disclosure: As a host of the cooking connections class, my time is compensated. As always my opinions and love for cooking are solely my own.
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