

Two More Days!

Karl at 9 months
Karl at 9 months

This week has been a very special week for Karl, my teen. Normally he drags himself out of bed by 11 or 12 but not this week, its too exciting!

Per my previous post, he started his FIRST JOB! He is working in an Unnamed Corporate Office as a paid intern, doing what he loves: technology. During the day he researches and analyses data, updates their databases and attends technology think-tanks. He’s super excited and so am I.

Yet even the excitement of his first job dims in comparison to his 16 birthday. In his mind, 16th is THE magic number. It means he can get his driver’s license, he can go out with friends unchaperoned and … he can date.

To celebrate this big occasion he wants a party. In his mind, he envisioned an MTV  “Super Sweet 16” at a luxe location, with tons of friends, a ginormous cake, and goody bags to make his technology heart drool. Of course, reality is very different! We’re having the party in my 2 bedroom apartment, with less than 50 people, and goody bags that make his budget conscious Mom swoon.

Was he disappointed?



Because he hasn’t had a birthday party since he turned ten! Parties in my household stop when my children hit the double digits. They are too expensive when combined with a gift.

Will he get a gift?

NOPE! His gift is the party. He had a choice to wait till he was 18 to receive a party and a car. He chose to get a party this year and forfeit the party at 18. He’ll still get the car if he does well in school. He also leaves the day after his party to go to Nashville, Tennessee. The trip is part of the “Youth About Business” Leadership program, I blogged about last year.  As a mom, I try to offer programs that I would use myself, this is one such program. If you haven’t checked out the post, I definitely suggest you do! Its a GREAT program that has opened doors for my teen. In fact, they were the ones who offered him the paid internship!

In any event, I’ll be quite busy the remainder of this week. Karl’s party will be held on Saturday and he leaves Sunday morning at 8 am. It has definitely been a whirlwind week and culminates in just TWO MORE DAYS!

Do you have parties for your children once they become tweens? Would love to hear your thoughts/ ideas!

FYI: I may not post too often next week since I am alone with the little one. He is sure to miss his brother and will need more attention. I will however post a $80 CSN giveaway so stay tuned!!!


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About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Divina July 8, 2010, 1:38 pm

    Congrats! Big accomplishment for both of you. I like your rule about no parties after double digits. I have to remember that in 8 years for babyboy.

  • Avatar Carolyn G July 8, 2010, 2:24 pm

    Wow that is fantastic. I love how you have rules on parties and gifts. Growing up we always had parties every year but we were also limited in gifts if we had a party. I think it taught me to make decisions and not think that I could have everything I wanted. Thus, making me be more responsible. I am also impressed with your son because he is going places. But that speaks to his parent!! XOXO

  • Avatar Rachel July 8, 2010, 5:22 pm

    What an exciting week! I am so happy that Karl is living his dreams. It must feel so good to be his mom. I know you are so proud of him.

    What an adorable picture of him. He looks a lot like you there. Awww…. 🙂


  • Avatar Nikki @ Mommy Factor July 9, 2010, 1:51 pm

    Awww, how cute is he! What a great purpose and reward this party will be. Wepa!

  • Avatar Sabrina July 9, 2010, 2:13 pm

    Busy Busy Lady. I also love the rules about the party and gift. I need to do the same in my household. My girls are way too spoiled.

    And yes, i still have parties for my girls and they are 14 and 19.

  • Avatar nycgirl0501 July 9, 2010, 7:10 pm

    Congratulations to your son on landing such a great internship.

    And congratulations to you for being an awesome mom and exposing your son to such a great program. Bravo to you!

    Have a great time at the party!

  • Avatar Eve July 11, 2010, 5:46 am

    Wow! All these things happening. How exciting. Are you nervous? Its great that he’s doing a paid internship ant this age. Very impressive. It will sure help him out in the future

  • Avatar Isolated Existence July 11, 2010, 5:57 pm

    He’s looks so cute on that picture! Again, congrats on your son’s accomplishments. He has a bright future ahead of him and he has an awesome Mom to share it with it 🙂

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