

Tico Treat, a Latinalicious Guest Post by Carolyn Gonzalez

 When Ms. Latina asked me to do a guest post on her blog, I was flattered.  We had been tweeting about food and I mentioned I was having gallo pinto. Gallo Pinto for those who don’t know is “el plato tipico de Costa Rica.”Nothing says Costa Rican food like gallo pinto.  Now I know other countries have their own version but I am here to tell you about my version. 

Gallo Pinto translates into “painted rooster.” Gallo pinto is just rice and beans cooked with onions and bell pepper and Salsa Lizano. Salsa Lizano is a sort of Costa Rican Worcestershire sauce. It is fabulous. It’s hard to find here but I get my supply from Costa Rica when my parents visit. An interesting tidbit is that one of my great uncles invented this sauce and then sold it to the Lizanocompany and they made a fortune while he did not. He got some money but the Lizano’s are the ones who made the money because the sauce is a Costa Rican staple and used in everything.
It’s super easy to make.  I warn you, I don’t do recipes, I just willy nilly cook.  Take half an onion and dice it up.  Dice up half a red bell pepper.  Sauté them in a little oil until they get soft.   I cheat and use canned black beans because I am lazy and hate making real beans but you can make your own; it’s better that way.  Add the beans to the pan and then add some garlic, salt and pepper to taste.  I also add a little cilantro and, of course, the Salsa Lizano but you can use Worcestershire sauce (again to taste). Then add cooked white rice.  Mix it up. That’s it!
My abuelita used to serve this to us con un huevito fritofor breakfast. But I use it mainly as an entrée or side dish.  I love eating this with fresh pan y mantequilla and with a dollop of natilla (sour cream).
Unlike the cuisines of Mexico, Cuba or Argentina, Costa Rican food isn’t that distinctive but this is one dish that is verytipico of the country.  I love having this because it reminds of being there having breakfast with my familia when I go visit.  It also reminds me of my abuelita Hilda and being in her kitchen learning how to cook. 

Buen provecho!!
Thank you Carolyn for this delicious AND healthy recipe! I have to tell you when I saw the pics I was drooling at work! I plan on making it this weekend and sneaking in some brown rice (Doc said no more white for me- Blahhhh to her!). I also did a search and found the Lizano sauce on Amazon: Lizano Salsa Sauce 9 Oz / 280ml. Wooo Hooo!

Check out Carolyn’s blog,
Carolyn in Carolina,  and leave her some comment luv!  Just keep an out for Scott, he’s a Natural Born Killer!

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Carolyn G April 10, 2009, 1:43 am

    Thanks for allowing me to be a guest blogger!! I am glad you liked the recipe and I hope you like how it tastes.

    Gracias amiga!

    Carolyn G’s last blog post..She Harshed My Mellow

    • Avatar admin April 10, 2009, 7:39 am

      I’m sure I will! I’m always looking for some new way to make rice – in my house they don’t think its dinner if I don’t include it! Normally I make white for them and brown for me but maybe with this recipe I can sneak it in hehe

  • Avatar tammigirl April 10, 2009, 1:53 am

    This looks really good. Carolyn, you need to try some delicious Venezuelan treats. We make a great Peruvian dish here at our house.

  • Avatar Banteringblonde April 10, 2009, 3:14 am

    I am a “willy nilly” cook as well! Drives my husband nuts but it is the way I cook! I am definitely going to try this because my kiddos will love it!

    Banteringblonde’s last blog post..Introducing Casual Friday and My Very First Vlog Entry Ever!

  • Avatar Sara Bonds April 10, 2009, 6:11 am

    This is making my mouth water. It sounds and looks so good. I cannot wait to try this recipe out myself. Great post.

  • Avatar Cash Cuddler April 10, 2009, 11:28 am

    Caro, muchas gracias! Bueno alimentos aqui.

    Cash Cuddler’s last blog post..Free Transfat Informational DVD From The Culinary Institute

  • Avatar Craftola April 10, 2009, 3:31 pm

    What a great recipe and I love the style of Carolyn’s sraightforward writing! Thanks for this yummy recipe!

    Craftola’s last blog post..It’s a "Good" Friday!

  • Avatar Mary April 10, 2009, 9:09 pm

    It sound and look very good … I might be trying this recipe on of this days … it looks very yummi..thanks

  • Avatar Thinker April 11, 2009, 2:02 pm

    Carolyn used to make this dish for me when we lived in side by side efficiencies while attending college… Needless to say it was bien rico…

    Thanks for the recipe C will ask J to make it for me….

  • Avatar Alexis AKA MOM April 11, 2009, 11:00 pm

    Stopping by from Carolyn’s blog! Fab dish, I’m drooling too! I bet hubby would love this too! Darn brown rice and health what is up with that … LOL. 🙂

    Alexis AKA MOM’s last blog post..Skoy Cloth Giveaway (2 Winners!!!) ~ Organic

  • Avatar Michelle July 5, 2010, 8:38 pm

    Thanks for this recipe. Just got back from Costa Rica and I’m sooooo sorry that I didn’t think to pick up a bottle (or case) of the Salsa Lizano. I’m craving it like crazy. Now I’m looking for the least expensive online version. But I’ll pay whatever I have to.

  • Avatar Victoria November 23, 2010, 1:27 pm

    Wow, that looks delish!!

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