This week I met gratitude face to face. In the middle of a chaotic week, I learned I had more to offer when I had nothing to give.
Like most women, I am constantly juggling my time to accomplish as much as possible in a 24 hour day. I make to do lists, trying to squeeze in as much as possible. I am Woman. I am Invinsible… or so they say.
And so I work, buy groceries, pay bills, cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, mop, sweep, wash clothes, fold clothes, do homework, call teachers, dry tears, kiss boo boos, walk the dogs, bathe the pets, encourage friends, and in between it all try to squeeze 5 minutes for a prayer.
Its a house of cards that can fall from the slightest breeze, offering little room to focus on anything outside of it. Because I can’t control the direction of the wind, or even see outside my “everything”, unless its placed right in front of my face.
This week enlightment came in the form of a McDonalds smoothie.
I know.
Don’t laugh.
God really does use everything. 🙂
During the Thanksgiving chaos, I decided I needed a moment for myself to enjoy a Strawberry Banana Smoothie. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door not realizing I had left my wallet on the table. Thankfully, I had several McDonald’s coupons in my bag received during the Latism 11 conference.
I paid and left McDonalds, delighted that I wouldn’t have to run back home for my wallet. Sipping on my sweet healthy goodness, I passed a homeless man.
Our eyes connected.
He asked me for spare change.
I said I had none and continued walking. I walked half a block but couldn’t go further. I had a nagging feeling that I should go back. I couldn’t walk away. Reaching into my bag I pulled out the coupons. They were all I had.
I walked back… slowly.
As I approached, he turned and looked into my eyes as I said,
I’m sorry I don’t have any money but I do have this.
He continued to look into my eyes for what seemed an eternity, than looked down at my hand before looking back at me. His eyes lit up and he smiled, revealing two missing front teeth. As he took the coupons, he said
Thank you. You came back when so many don’t. God bless you.
And God did.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Let’s talk! What are you thankful for?
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I’m loving it!!!! It’s true tho so many don’t go back even when the nagging feeling to run back is there. I’m thankful for the family I have, My friends off and online. I am thankful for the opportunities I have received this year. When times felt so hard and there wasn’t a light or so it seemed. I am thankful for life.
Ruby recently posted..Thanksgiving Craft
Wow! It really does make a difference in your day when you listen to that voice inside you.. and when you can help others. I am thankful for progress because I was not where I was a year ago..emotionally, financially, and spiritually. I am also thankful for family, health, and friends. *hugs*
Berenice Arzate-Marsh recently posted..LATISM’11 — Letra de Amor
Beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving.
You’re so good mig. I’m thankful for so much. I thank God for everything and everyone I have in my life.
Lisa recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: That’s What Friends Are For
Very nice, I’m sure he enjoyed that food more than others because like he said, you came back when so many don’t. Happy Thanksgiving!
Isolated Existence. recently posted..Happy Thanksgiving! – Feliz Día De Acción De Gracias!
What a nice gesture from your part! You are truly blessed and you see how magical those little pieces of papers can be? Everything is not about money. I am sure that just the fact of you going back and talking to him, made his day. God Bless you chica!
Myrah – Coupon Mamacita recently posted..Win a $50 Gift Card to!
Great post, I’m sure you really made the day better for that homeless man!
Bicultural Mama recently posted..PBS KIDS Premieres the Curious George Holiday Spectacular
I have to be honest, I wasn’t sure what to be thankful for. My oldest sister and I got in a fight. She won’t call me back. She teased my son for having longer hair and called him a girl and her niece. Later he wanted his hair cut off. I was mad at her. She can be a bully.
Then my younger sister and all her problems with my youngest nephew. Emerson is living, but doesn’t have a good quality life. I just worry about my sister neglecting her other two son’s. It’s hard.
My sister-in-law broke up with her boyfriend of 6 years and won’t talk about it. Not that she should. I just come from a family that usually talks until recently.
I was thankful for my own family being well. Then last week Mica threw up twice. Isaak followed. We went out of town because they seemed better. Poof! One child puked in my in-laws bed and the other had a poop explosion! 3 loads of laundry and 3 baths later everything was clean.
I am thankful that we have jobs, we have 2 very cute boys that are healthy now, both boys’ are doing well in school. I still have a lot to be thankful for!
alissa apel recently posted..Tea
Thanks for sharing such a touching story! You are abolutely right; we have so much more to offer than we think we do. We need to simply look deeper into our heart, soul & purse. (sometimes left over lunch can bring so much happiness to an individual)
Beautiful story — very true indeed wherein we have to be happy with what we are blessed with. I thank God for everything — there are so many unfortunate people out there that don’t have the privilege to access the internet like we do in the comfort of our own home. Many of us need to recognize and truly be thankful for what we have!
I love it! you’re so right. In the midst of our invisible championship we have these moments of enlightment. So glad it came in the shape of a smoothy! and even more that LATISM’11 came to the rescue. Al menos servimos para algo. LOL
AnaRC recently posted..RECAP: 12/01 Quiero Ser Jefe LATISM Twitter Party
Great post lady. It’s the feeling of diong something so small that means the world to someone else. We all matter, we all make a difference, and you did at that moment, and he did for you.
Have a blessed new year!!
That was a great post, very touching! Amazing how it can take a moment of earthly connection to bring us closer to Him. Am reading this wayyy after Thanksgiving, but it reminds me to ALWAYS be thankful for every blessing – big or small. What you give to the world with all your heart comes back — always! God Bless!
It’s sad that so many people treat “the homeless” as HUMAN garbage and walk by as if they’re not even there. I ALWAYS tell people………. “NEVER look down on a “homeless” person because one day that may be the same person you’ll be looking up to for a helping hand.” Be grateful for what you have in LIFE because you NEVER know!! GOD bless you MsLatina.