

The Dress for the Wedding


Isn’t it beautiful? I loved it when I saw it on Gomatta Girls. Its a GREAT site that offers clothing, shoes, accessories, home goods, and baby stuff for 70-90% off retail! Definitely chic & cheap!

They offer one Latinalicious piece per day until they run out of stock and then its Finito- gone for good- and they move FAST! So fast that I missed out on my dream dress! *Sigh* The search continues but I am ever hopeful that Gomatta Girls will throw another Latinaliciously limited dress out for me to purchase!

Check it out and leave me a comment if you see one on their site that is Latinalicous enough for me to wear with a pair of black pumps that I ALREADY purchased on PiperLime!


About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Mommy Kennedy April 3, 2009, 8:47 am

    I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV it! I’m envious! Would have been great for my mom’s wedding!

    Mommy Kennedy’s last blog post..Cool Coupons

    • Avatar admin April 3, 2009, 8:56 am

      Isn’t it gorgeous! I WISH I could have gotten it- I was tooooooooo slow! DARN! The search is on and it has to match those shoes! I refuse to spend any more dinero, although I have some beautiful heels, these are much more comfortable when dancing!

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