The New York Daily News recently reported about a fairly old Police sting that is rising it's ugly head again. Apparently, police are leaving bags/purses unattended, in select NYC areas, while maintaining surveillance from a short distance away. Since its inception, the NYPD has arrested several hundred individuals who were tempted by the bags' contents which included electronics and [...]

Plus size who works out Plus size who works out

As a child, I lived in a world of dieters. The women in my life were constantly trying new "fad" diets to lose another five more pounds. They ate and complained. Said they took a bite and gained. It was an endless cycle of love and hate, with themselves and the bodies around them. Curves [...]


While sorting through piles of papers this weekend, I came across this (see below). It seems I brought a very inexpensive "Cow in Cream". For the life of me, I can't figure out what a "Cow in Cream" is? I've been racking my brain but can't figure it out. Any ideas? Happy WW!


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