
For those of you familiar with Swagbucks, an online search engine like, I am sure you can agree with me when I say, "I LOVE SWAGBUCKS!" This is the easiest way that I have found to bring in some extra fun money. I especially like the gift cards that I have received since its like getting [...]


I recently posted Ten Quick Ways to Bring in Extra Money. After reading the post Mommy Kennedy, of The Frugal Kennedys, brought up a very good point stating that I did not include coupons. She's right I didn't! I didn't include coupons in my post because

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Ten, actually ELEVEN, extra ways to make extra money during this economic crisis!


As a Latina On a Mission to save, I try to always find ways to earn extra money. Thanks to Mommy Kennedy of  The Frugal Kennedys, I discovered a way to surf the net AND make some extra money in the process! I use Swagbucks! For those of you who aren't familiar with Swagbucks, let [...]


In "My first steps toward financial security", I showed you the first few steps I took on my mission to financial security. In this post I provide you with the knowledge needed to review and correct any errors in your credit report. Taking these steps, will boost your credit rating and ultimately save you money! 1. Names:  [...]

Earn some extra money by becoming a Mystery Shopper Thumbnail Earn some extra money by becoming a Mystery Shopper Thumbnail

As a way to supplement my income, I have joined several Mystery Shopping websites. Note, not all mystery shops payments are the same. Some provide monetary compensation, while others reimburse you for products, pay for your outings or provide a combination of reimbursement with monetary compensation. In the end you are still saving some ca-ching! [...]


“Round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows… round and round we go…” Have you heard that children's ditty? I used to sing it all the time when I was younger and when I do my finances I can imagine my money in a circle; hence, the tab title "Money Circle". Its all [...]


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