
I Waited For You Thumbnail I Waited For You Thumbnail

She told me she had been waiting for years. And she was right. It had been 24 years since I had seen her, since I had left her home. She said I waited for you. I wanted to talk to you. To say, I am sorry and that I love you. I cried. I knew [...]


When I first learned how to drive I was terrified to drive in Manhattan. The yellow cabs are BEASTS. They stop short. Swerve at a moments notice and will cut you off to grab a fare! Yet, driving does NOT compare to parking. It doesn't matter if you live in the Bronx, Brooklyn or Manhattan, [...]

I’m a Latina Blogger Thumbnail I’m a Latina Blogger Thumbnail

I'm a Latina Blogger. I work in social media. I develop and deliver media marketing strategies for a range of companies and products. This is the explanation I give others when I'm asked what I do for a living. Normally, I get a quizzical look before the person bombards me with a variety of questions. [...]

Mother and Son Talking | Latina On a Mission Mother and Son Talking | Latina On a Mission

Is your penis awake before you are? This was one of the questions my tween's teacher discussed during a group advisory at my son's all boys school. He said it was the weirdest talk he ever had. He couldn't believe the word "penis" was coming out of his teacher's mouth. I, on the other hand, wasn't surprised. I had [...]


My teen and I were recently talking about a girl he likes. He said she was smart, a leader and very pretty. In fact, he said she's so intellectual he knows he's going to have to connect with her mind before she will even notice him. He claimed he was going to have to step [...]


Its the first week of 2012 and I'm excited to get started on the right foot. Like many, I have made of list of goals/resolutions that I would like to accomplish. Actually, in honor of 2012, I have made 12! Some may seem redundant, some simple, and others so complex I'm not sure how I [...]


The New York Daily News recently reported about a fairly old Police sting that is rising it's ugly head again. Apparently, police are leaving bags/purses unattended, in select NYC areas, while maintaining surveillance from a short distance away. Since its inception, the NYPD has arrested several hundred individuals who were tempted by the bags' contents which included electronics and [...]


Today as I sit in my living room, listening to the police vehicles and fire trucks outside my window, I reflect on 911 and how much my life has changed. Ten years ago, I was working at a boutique law firm in the compliance department. I researched laws, both nationally and internationally, while also montioring the [...]

First Born, Postpartum Depression, and Empty Nest Syndrome Thumbnail First Born, Postpartum Depression, and Empty Nest Syndrome Thumbnail

Today my man child turns 17. I can't believe time has flown so fast. I never knew how wonderful, frustrating, exhilarating and annoying motherhood could be when I had him. I so long to hold him and never let him go, which is so unlike me. When he was born, I refused to see or hold him. [...]


Are you a Mommy in need of some "ME" time? Do you feel as if you are losing yourself because you give and give and give to everyone but yourself? Do you need want some time to reconnect with yourself? As a single Mom, I can tell you I do! I love my sons dearly. They mean [...]

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