

Sickness Comes In Threes

I’ve been MIA, Missing In Action, and feel so disconnected. It seems like a whole month has passed me by. Thankfully, I am slowly getting back to “normal”.

Sick Woman with a cup of tea (Free Digital Photos)

I’ve heard that everything comes in threes, good and bad. I can definitely attest to the fact that sickness comes in threes. Towards the end of 2012, I came down with number one (1) , a severe case of the flu. It hit me HARD! I could barely get out of bed. It seems I’m not the only one, NYC is in the midst of its worse flu epidemic. Save yourself, get the flu shot, and WASH YOUR HANDS! I’m sure if I would have been more vigilant about washing my hands I wouldn’t have gotten…

Number two (2), the stomach virus.

Goodness gracious I thought I was going to die! If I could barely get out of bed while I had the flu, the stomach bug had me living in the bathroom. Ewwwwwww! Suffice it to say, it wasn’t pretty folks…not pretty at all. Thankfully, ahem, the boys were able to use the building’s facility during that time.

As I felt better, I was so excited to be able to chew. OH. MY. GOSH. I was craving bacon. It was all I could think of once I started getting better, so off I went to the bodega/deli. I ordered a BLT, with extra crispy bacon, on a roll with no mayo. YUM! I couldn’t get home fast enough that day! Riding the elevator up to my floor, I admit a little drool came out. (Don’t judge me. I hadn’t eaten anything in weeks!)

That first bite was A-MAZ-ING. I savored every bit of it. Thank goodness I did because the second bite was the end of me. I felt a piece of my filling come out. Gagging, I spit it out. A tiny silver piece lay in my hand. Pushing the sandwich to the side, I called the nearest Dentist and scheduled a Dental appointment.

I wish I would have waited.

Number three (3) was by far the worst. I had a severe allergic reaction to the new filling. It seems Dentists no longer use silver, for cosmetic reasons. My old filling was an amalgam filling (silver filling). The Dentist who I saw used a composite resin (White filling). I had a severe allergic reaction to the composite filling. The pain was excruciating. I seriously wanted to ram my jaw into the nearest brick wall. Worse, it was the weekend. I’m sure I could have gone to emergency … but silly me I decided to bear it out till Monday.

Really, it couldn’t have come sooner.

I was given antibiotics, pain killers (I refused codeine. As a single mother, I need to be alert) and advised I may need a root canal. Before going home, I scheduled a follow-up appointment. By the time I arrived home, I had received a message from the receptionist stating the Dentist had cancelled the appointment and rescheduled for February 21. Really?! Was that freakin Dentist INSANE? There was no way I could wait that long!

I called, texted and messaged everyone seeking references for a new Dentist. I hit pay dirt when a former co-worker referred me to the Dentist she has been seeing for the past 20 years. Thankfully, he was able to squeeze me in that week.

A little over a week ago, he removed the composite resin the previous Dentist used. He also removed pieces of silver filling the previous Dentist had missed. He refilled the tooth with a temporary medicated filling to calm the nerves and ease the pain. I’m returning  today to find out if the tooth can be saved or if a root canal is necessary. I’m hoping it’s not.

Today I head back to the Dentist for my follow-up. Please say a prayer for me and bear with me yet again. I hope to select winners and send emails to the giveaways that recently closed when I return.

Oh, and on a good note, I lost 7 pounds. 🙂

Let’s talk! Have you had an allergic reaction to a tooth filling? Share your experience in a comment below!

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Sili January 28, 2013, 1:55 pm

    I’ve never had an allergic reaction to a tooth filling. You know what I had a reaction to? When I was pregnant? Dust mites! I’m severely allergic and I had gone to a furniture store and sat in some sofas. I had shorts on. Well…long story short, I had to head to the ER first thing in the morning. So not cool.

    Sili recently posted..Heart Gifts from Lauren Nicole

  • Avatar Melanie Edwards - modernmami January 28, 2013, 1:58 pm

    So sorry you were sick for so long! Glad you’re on the mend and hope you continue to feel better.

  • Eileen Campos Eileen Carter-Campos January 28, 2013, 2:07 pm

    I am so sorry you went through this.
    I could so relate to the craving if something- you had me cracking up with the bacon mujer!!!
    So happy you’re doing better honey!!
    Take care and so glad you’re back- missed you!!
    Eileen Carter-Campos recently posted..Resolutions For This Working Mom On The Go!

  • Avatar Patty January 28, 2013, 2:13 pm

    My goodness! What a way to start the year. I hope all goes well and you are feeling better soon! {{{Hugs}}}
    Patty recently posted..Weekly Check-In {1.24.13}

  • Avatar Maria January 28, 2013, 2:17 pm

    I’m so sorry that you had such a terrible month. Being healthy is so important and we take it for granted as we go through the daily motions of life. Here is to having you back and I’m sending you big hugs and some additional healing thoughts for a complete recovery. xoxo
    Maria recently posted..Winter Fashion Tips For Kids! #Troop8X #HTC8X

  • Avatar Alissa Apel January 28, 2013, 2:20 pm

    Take care of yourself! 🙁

    We had strep throat, stomach flu and a few versions of a cold. One, I lost my voice for a week.

    I’m allergic to sulfa. I can’t drink red wine much because of the sulfates. My stomach turns into knots the next day. It’s supposed to be the wine that’s good for you! Then lotions that have Methosulfate in the ingredient, that’s bad! I had a huge, bad bruise and was using lotion that I was allergic to (unknowingly) and have hives all over the healing bruise. I had to get a shot of steriods.

    They should have other materials that go in your mouth! Ouch!
    Alissa Apel recently posted..Isaak’s Homemade Bow and Arrow

  • Avatar Myrah - Coupon Mamacita January 28, 2013, 2:43 pm

    Ay Dios Mio! Poor baby! Glad to know you are back and feeling better. What a mission, yes a LATINA ON A MISSION! My hubby is going through that right now with a bad tooth and I suffer just seeing him and waiting for his appointment that is tomorrow.

  • Avatar Unknown Mami January 28, 2013, 3:28 pm

    I am so sorry. A few year back, I went through some horrid dental issues. The pain is enough to bring you to your knees. Wishing you the best.

  • Avatar Tracy January 28, 2013, 8:02 pm

    Wow, I’m sorry, mama. That is way too much for one person in such a short span of time. I hope this means there can’t possibly be any more bad luck lurking for you and things are going to turn around. {{abrazos}}

  • Avatar kcrojas January 28, 2013, 10:44 pm

    What a way to bring in the new year! You definitely have gone through it these past weeks and am glad to hear that you are back on the road to good health!! Hoping that everything goes well with the dental situation. Tooth pain is the worst! Sending you positive thoughts through the interwebs…

  • Avatar Shana January 31, 2013, 10:19 am

    That really sucks!! I hope that you are back into great form ASAP

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