It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)! The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and our taste buds, without sacrificing our health.
I’m not sure if you noticed, or were just to kind not to mention, that last week I missed a Sabroso Saturday recipe post. Part of it is that I have been very busy with family, but its also because of a surprise my youngest gave me.
It seems he, in his great enthusisiam to help me clean the pots, damaged or threw some of them away.
I know you must be wondering how my 10 year old could have done such a thing. Well, let me tell you, it had me just as baffled when one day I was looking for my cooking pots and this is how I saw the bottom of one pot.
No, my dear readers that is not an image of the crackle nailpolish that’s all the rage right now. That’s the bottom of my rice pot which he scrubbed so vigoriously. It seems he was sooooo excited to help me with the dishes that he put all his might into taking the pegao /burnt rice off the bottom. (FYI, some Latinos intentionally make the bottom of the rice burn because of the taste/ flavor it obtains while cooking) Anyway, my youngest thought he should use a fork or spoon to remove the pegao from the bottom of the pot not realizing that he was actually scraping my pot. Don’t you just love it?!
As for the missing pots, he thought I had placed several pots by the side of the sink so that he could dispose of them when he completed his second chore, taking out the garbage. I must admit the garbage is under the sink so the excuse may seem plausible if I didn’t know how much he loves doing dishes.
After those incidents, I went on hiatus. If the dishes could not be washed properly, I could not cook. They would eat sandwiches, cereal or air! Hmpf.
Thankfully, for them, they were saved before starving. My mother, their Mama, brought me this beautiful set of pots and gave them to me this week!
What does this mean for you? Well, I’m cooking again and doing it with sabor, so make sure you check out next week’s receta/recipe! As for the pots, what do you think?
Should I start washing them myself? Let me know in a comment!
Till next week eat hearty, eat healthy and eat well!
Do you have a Sabroso Saturday recipe you would like to share? It’s easy!
If you are a blogger, you can share a sabroso/tasty recipe you have posted this week on your blog by adding a DIRECT link to it below.
If you do not blog but have a Latinalicious recipe that you would like to share, shoot me an e-mail at MsLatina (AT) with “Sabroso Saturday” in the Subject line. If I am able to make it at home and my family enjoys it, I will feature it!
Readers can view linked-up recipes by clicking on their names below.
Enjoy & have a healthy Sabroso Saturday!
{ 6 comments… add one }
I think it will be safe if the boys scrub the pots – as long as this isn’t a nonstick finish. And have the talk – garbage is UNDER the sink, anything on top of the counter is to be washed.
OfeliaNJ recently posted..Huevos Divorciados – Sabroso Saturday
Nothing like new pots Ms. Latina! This is the beginning of a beautiful (food) friendship. And how sweet of your boy to try and wash the pot.
Rachel recently posted..Sweet and Salty Summer SabrosoSaturday Recipes
Ahh … he was trying so hard to help … got to love his enthusiasm. I’d let him wash … I’d just use the opportunity to teach him how to do it the right way. Wow … he’s gonna make some woman very happy when he gets older!!
Small Footprints recently posted..Vegan Recipe – Roasted Veggie Pizza
I’m laughing because “someone” did the same thing with my mom’s comal. What enthusiasm! Let him keep washing the pots just give a lesson. What a great gift you have to have sons that help you. Abrazotes!
Eva Smith recently posted..Blogcrush Meetup at StoneFire Grill
A helpful hand around the kitchen is always a plus, I vote to let him wash…
My wife, Tracy (Latinaish), told me about Sabroso Saturday. Since I posted a recipe today we thought I should give it a try. Thanks – and enjoy your new pots!