

Sabroso Saturday: Arroz Con Leche (Spanish Style Rice Pudding)

It’s Sabroso Saturday (Translation: Tasty Saturday)!

The day when we share recipes that have helped us stretch our budget, our imagination and/or our taste buds. Recipes that have been tested and approved by YOU.

So link up and share those savory, satisfying, succulent, ¡Sabroso! recipes. Be sure to also visit the other participants!

¡Buen provecho!


When I was younger my Titi/Aunt would always make Arroz con Leche (Spanish style rice pudding) when the family gathered. It was her specialty, her trademark dish, and we could always expect it. Now when ever I have a dish, memories of my Titi come to mind. Thank you Titi Carmen!

NOTE: I made it using healthier alternatives. I used skim milk instead of whole. I also used egg substitutes instead of  whole eggs.


Arroz Con Leche (Spanish Style Rice Pudding)

  • 1/2 cup uncooked long-grain white rice (I use Carolina Rice)
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 4 cups skim milk
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup egg substitute or if you prefer real eggs use 2 whole eggs


  1. Soak rice in hot water for about 15 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water.
  2. In a saucepan, combine sugar and milk. Place saucepan over a medium flame. Stir until sugar melts, thn bring to a boil and reduce flame. 
  3. Add rice.  Simmer over LOW heat for about 15 minutes or until the rice is soft and mixture is STILL liquid.
  4. Add raisins, cinnamon stick,  and egg substitute. Stir.
  5. Let pudding cook uncovered, stirring often, until it just begins to boil.
  6. Remove from flame.
  7. Remove cinnamon stick and pour rice pudding into serving dishes, makes approximately 6 small servings.
  8. Drizzle ground cinnamon over pudding.
  9. Let stand for 15-20 minutes and serve warm (not hot).

Note, you can serve Arroz con Leche warm or cold.  To serve cold, let stand for 15 minutes before refrigerating for an hour or so. Also note, the amount of sugar and cinnamon used in the recipe is based on taste. You can add more or use less if you prefer. However, I based it on my family, who tend to love the sweeter cinnamon flavor.



Want to join in the Sabroso Saturday blog hop? It’s easy! Just share a sabroso/tasty recipe you have posted this week by adding a DIRECT link to it.  

Make sure you visit the other participants as well!

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Carolyn G September 4, 2010, 8:23 am

    YAY! Mi abuelita used to make me Arroz con Leche. I miss her!

  • Avatar JulieDiazAsper September 4, 2010, 11:28 am

    Love arroz con leche. It reminds me on my Abuelita too. I feel like I am getting a “food “hug” when I eat arroz con leche!

  • Avatar Tonia Sanders @thechattymomma September 4, 2010, 3:40 pm

    I haven’t had arroz con leche, but now I’m going to be wanting some next time we meet!


  • Avatar alissa apel September 4, 2010, 8:01 pm

    This sounds really different, which is a good thing. We love trying new foods.

  • Avatar Shawna OBrien September 4, 2010, 8:33 pm

    Oh Yes, This is some delicious stuff. I’m printing this recipe, so I can make this. Thanks for sharing.

  • Avatar Joscelyn @ Mami & The Multiples September 6, 2010, 6:32 pm

    I love Arroz con Leche so I’m excited to try this new recipe!

  • Avatar Ashley R September 8, 2010, 3:46 pm

    This sounds great! I’ve added this recipe to my list of new recipes to try!

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