

New #Giveaway: Win a Year’s Worth of Milk!

“Milk it does a body good”

Do you recall that slogan? I sure do!  But if you didn’t, I included a few short clips below to catch you up to date. 


This one was SUPER Famous in the 80s. 


Or what about this one? It made Milk cool! 


Yeah I know, they seem antiquated don’t they? But I grew up with those commercials and I believed them, at least until I hit my teens. At that point, milk just seemed a waste of my calories so I cut it from my diet. Boy, am I paying for it now! But that’s another post … suffice it to say I was WRONG! 

Milk is great for the waistline. Don’t believe me? Check out this study conducted at Loyola Marymount University

Milk contains vitamins, like calcium, Vitamin A, D, B12, potassium that will help children grow up big and strong AND help adults maintain their teeth, bones, weight and good health. 

Milk is versatile. It can be used in a variety of recipes. In fact, during Sabroso Saturday, a day when bloggers link up and share their recipes, six of us made 24 recipes with chocolate milk and they were sabroso/delicious! Feel free to check them out. 

The recipes we created were provided by a nutritionist and tested in our homes. They were so clever, I had to ask her how she came up with them. Below is her response in Spanish and the English translation: 

Lo primero que hicimos fue crear una lista de bebidas, desayunos y postres a los cuales pudiéramos incorporar esta deliciosa bebida. Utilizamos recetas de familia, alimentos tradicionales en la comida Mexicana y otros países Latinoamericanos. El siguiente paso fue probar las recetas y ajustar ingredientes para acomodar los sabores que la leche de chocolate baja en grasa trae y por supuesto para hacer la receta mas saludable. Finalmente compartimos nuestros platillos con familia y amigos para que nos dieran su opinión y volvimos a ajustar los ingredientes cuando fue necesario 


The first thing that we did was create a list of drinks, breakfast meals and desserts that we could add this delicious drink to. We used family friendly recipes that are used in Mexico and most Latin American countries. The next step was testing out the recipes and tweaking them to showcase the rich flavors of low fat chocolate milk and to ensure they were also healthy. Lastly, we shared our meals with family and friends so they could give us their opinions. Using their comments, we adjusted the recipes again when necessary. 

As a busy working Mom, who is trying to get healthier, I loved the fact that the nutrionist did not sacrifice taste when creating these recipes (even my picky boys liked them!).  The whole wheat chocolate & banana crepes were their fave and I LOVED the Mint Mocha Frappuccino Light!  It had me giggly all day long, as you can see by my video.  

But I’m sure I don’t have to sell you on the benefits of milk! I know you realize how good it is for your teeth, bones, health and figure. In fact, I bet you give your children their 3 cup daily requirements and drink yours, as well, without having to be told! Since you know these facts, I don’t have to sell to Milk to you. It sells itself. What I do want to share with you is something else, so here it is: 




What does a year’s worth of milk mean?  

  • It means winners’ will receive one gallon of milk per week for 52 weeks!
  • Winner’s will ALSO receive got milk? shirts for their families (max of 5 shirts per winner). 

Ready to enter? Read on! 



Follow@BigotedeLeche on Twitter.    



1. Like Bigote de Leche on Facebook. Click here for their page: 

2. Follow @MsLatina on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway, stating the below. Provide me with the tweet url in a comment. One tweet per day till the giveaway ends, so go ahead tweet away!  

Follow @BigotedeLeche & enter to win one year’s worth of MILK (5 Winners). Click here to enter: #GIVEAWAY #MsLatina 

3. Follow my blog with Google Friends,  ”Like” my Facebook page and/or subscribe via email for 1 entry EACH. Click HERE to subscribe. If you’re already do, let me know! 

4. Leave a comment on any of the five Chocolate Milk recipes noted below. Once done, return here and leave a comment on THIS post letting me know you did so, including the recipe and the name used in your comment. Each comment gives you TWO (2) extra entries.


Good Luck! / ¡Suerte!


Giveaway ends December 10, 2010 at 11:59 P.M. EST 

Open to US residents 


As always, I will use to select the winner. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected. Also, don’t forget, in order for to count all of your entries a separate comment must be entered for each item that is completed. will not count it otherwise.

Disclosure: This is a paid post created in collaboration with Milk Processors Education Program (MilkPEP). All opinions expressed herein are solely my own.

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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