It’s time for another fun Twitter Party, with almost $1,000 in prizes!
Hosted by Cricket Wireless, we’ll be discussing a music lover’s fantasy: unlimited music downloads.
In honor of el mes de la Independencia /the month of Independence, we want you to break free from cell phone tyranny to enjoy the following:
- Unlimited songs, ring tones and ring back tones
- Unlimited texting and web browsing
- Nationwide Plans AND No contracts
Like always, we’ll be tweeting in English and Spanish so feel free to tweet in whatever language you feel comfortable in! / ¡Vamos a estar twiteando en Inglés y Español, así que siéntase libre de usar Twitter en el idioma en el que se sienta mas cómodo!
To join in the Muve Music #Muvete Twitter Party you must follow the Host and Co- Hosts noted below:
- Migdalia Rivera – @MsLatina
- Carolyn Gonzalez – @carogonza
- Melinda – @lkwhtmomfound
- Maria – @ToughCookieMom
- Stiletto Media: @StilettoChat
- Party Panelist: @MiCricket
Muve Music #Muvete Twitter Party Prizes:
Grand Prize
- One (1) Samsung Suede Phone – shown above- with 3 months Muve Music plan activation ($199.99 for phone; $165 for Muve Music plan)
Additional Prizes
- Two (2) Samsung Suede phones -no activation ($199.99 value each)
- To be announced ($150 value)
Mandatory Entries required to win prizes:
- Like MiCricket on Facebook
Add your Twitter URL below to RSVP
Have FUN! It’s a party
Example of a Twitter URL –>
Twitter Party Details Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EST Required Hashtag: #muvete Language: ENGLISH and SPANISH Follow via TweetGrid: NOTE: Add your Twitter name (Example: @YourName) in the last box shown in the TweetGrid to see tweets that mention your name. Unsure how to join the #muvete Twitter Party, read my Twitter Basics post. Winners will be chosen with from those who RSVP and are answering Twitter Party questions, while using the #Muvete hashtag. Open to US Residents ONLY. Post Office Box addresses are not allowed. |
Disclosure: This is a paid campaign created in collaboration with Stiletto Media and Cricket Wireless.
{ 37 comments… add one }
Gracias por la invitación! @IsolatedExisten!/IsolatedExisten
Isolated Existence recently posted..Belated PhotoHunt – Wooden
You always have great parties. Can’t wait
Tweet y’all there!
OOPS I liked them on facebook also:
Joey J.
Can’t wait to party with everyone! Following all and liked on facebook! @tiffany053p, tiffany kelly ard
Like of facebook! Can’t wait for the party
<3 from @inrandom
Like of facebook!
I’ve never done this before so we’ll see how it goes!!!
looking forward to the par~tay
Can’t wait for the party, this will be my first twitter party
so I hope I can figure out how it works lol
See everyone tomorrow! Good luck!
I have RSVP’d
Nos vemos manana- See you all tomorrow !!
smashbravo recently posted..Irish Heart ~!
did it
RSVP!! Also liked on FB – See you tonight!
My first twitter party im so excited !!!
Okay, I’m following everyone, and I liked MiCricket on FB, looking forward to the party.
I have had a Cricket phone for about 4 years now, love the service but my phone is way out of date!
Sounds interesting! Hope I make it home tonight in time to participate…
I’ll be there!
I follow MiCricket on facebook
my first twitter party im so excited
Le di Like a MiCricket en facebook
I am so excited for the party tonight!!
I like MiCricket on facebook
RSVP’D @chrissiemz!/chrissiemz
like MiCricket on Fb.
rsvp: @lovinmomma88
Please enter me into the contest!!/DesMoinesDealin i like on FB stephs weeper
Ok I think I got it
Thanks for the chance
tweeting @waterbluffy
Still learning how to tweet. What is the difference between a hash tag and a hash brown?
My first time. Hope I know what I’m doing
thanks! creep4ward