Years ago, I was divorced, overworked, stressed and exhausted. My career in the legal field was not what I imagined. I was no Erin Brockovich, traipsing around the city investigating a case that would impact thousands of lives. Nor was I working to right the wrongs committed against countless citizens across the United States. No, the lives I was impacting were white collar, those who worked within the corporate realm, and the lives of my children who rarely saw their mother.
Something had to give and I refused to let it be my, or my sons, lives.
The Power of Thoughts
I recall the day the phone rang. I was so engrossed in my work, I almost let it go to voice mail. But, a still, small voice told me to pick it up. Thankfully, I did. It was the doorman telling me my son had not arrived home. A short while later a neighbor called to tell me my son was in the park with a bunch of kids. He skipped afterschool. He also failed to tell me where he was.
I raced to the park, thinking, “My son needs a parent. I can’t let him down. I’m it.”
That thought changed my life.
I found my son. He was with his best friend. They had skipped afterschool to spend time with a girl my son liked – a hottie. Although they were not doing anything they shouldn’t, there were much older kids in the park, drinking and smoking. This was not the life I wanted for him. It was not the life I had imagined. That day, I reimagined my life, my children’s lives, and it did not look like the one we were surrounded with.
The Power of Words
Do you want this life for yourself? Or, would you rather travel, meet inspiring people and be happy? Because this is not happy. This is desperation. These were the questions I asked my son that afternoon. They were also the questions I asked myself.
Our responses were similar – No. We did not want this life.
The Power of Actions
I started a blog. And, I made my son start a blog too.
It was a small step, that led to more steps, that eventually led to here.
I now work from home. I own my own Blogger Network. I’m surrounded with amazing, powerful women who work on a daily basis to create change for Moms, children and families everywhere. I’m also happy and single.
As for my son, he earned a full scholarship to Wheaton College, he started an initiative called LIFE (Leadership & Innovation Fuel Empowerment) House, and he will be traveling to Argentina, India and Africa this year.
We reimagined our lives that day. It didn’t matter how old we were. It didn’t matter that we didn’t we have it all planned out. What did matter is our belief that life could be better.
And, it was.
Let’s talk! What does your #LifeReimagined look like? Let us know in a comment and then head over to for inspiration and tips to make your reimagined life a reality!
Disclosure: Latina On a Mission is a sponsored Life Reimagined Ambassador. All opinions expressed herein belong solely to the Author.
{ 48 comments… add one }
A lot of people don’t realize the power of their words! That is definitely a good point you brought up!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted..The Butterfly Jungle at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Well done to you are your son.I always tell my kids life is what you make it so you want a good life you have to put the effort in to make it good.I am happy with the way my life is right now :-).
Kay Adeola recently posted..Weekend Clay
What an inspiring story! I need to guard my thoughts more carefully.
Jenn recently posted..Celebrating Your Family’s #RealDadMoments with @DoveMenCare
Yep, this is the Mig I know! You’re an incredible person and so smart and driven. I’m so glad you turned things around that day!
Liz Mays recently posted..Tuscan House Italian Pasta Salad
Words can cut like a knife and be harder to heal than any cut made with a knife. We all need to watch what we put into words.
Terry recently posted..Natural Dynamix Green Detox DX Review
A full scholarship to Wheaton? That’s impressive. What is more impressive, though, is that as his Mom, you had the forethought to help him reimagine his future. Good for you!
Virginia @thatbaldchick recently posted..French Toast Clothing Giveaway (6/30)
It is crazy when you think back on events that happened in your life and realize how much that effected what happened to you/for you years down the road. Sometimes it takes just one situation and you are walking down a different path. We have experienced that more than once being in the military.
Great job to you both. Sometimes change works wonderfully.
Debbie Denny recently posted..National Tiger Sanctuary – A Forever Home for Big Cats!
That so awesome, way to go mom! It’s crazy to think what path his life could have changed to that day.
Janel recently posted..DIY Diaper & Wipes Clutch
Great post! I could not have put it any better .Thanks. for giving people somethinf to think about.
What a powerful story! So amazing what you and your son accomplished!
Shell recently posted..The 8 People You See at Every Concert
Thank you for sharing your story! It is truly inspirational. I bet your son looks up to you as the major influence in his life
Emily recently posted..What’s In My Pool Bag? Ju Ju Be SuperBe | MOMents Monday
Having my Timehop app has been eye-opening for me. I thought I was content before, but then I was laid off. Four months later, I landed an amazing job and I’m in awe every day of how happy I am. (And I look at my Timehop app and realize just how not happy I was before.)
Jaime recently posted..Summer 2014 bucket list
This is such a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing; it’s truly inspiring.
Your words were definitely powerful. What a great story!
Christie recently posted..Harvest Snaps Giveaway – Snack Healthy!
That is powerful! My husband and I were just talking yesterday about how we need to make even more changes to get to where we want to be. We have made quite a few already but there are more to come. We want financial freedom but do not want to have to work our lives away at something we don’t enjoy just to pay for the stuff we do. The biggest change we plan to make is to downsize in a major way and purge stuff that isn’t important to us.
April recently posted..Guest post – Book nights!!!
Hw wonderful that you both reimagined and turned a corner to your new lives. Much continued success!
Jenn @ The Rebel Chick recently posted..How Do You Get Ready For Summer? #14daystoslim
Wow, what a great story! So glad all turned out ok w/your son (way back when) and congrats to you both becoming so successful!
I like playing what if… What IF i did X? What would it be like afterwards? It helps me make decisions.
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama recently posted..Feeling a Little Crafty
i’m so proud of your son. he’s such an amazing kid. you did good!
Melinda recently posted..2014 Mazda3 S Grand Touring 5-door Review #DriveSTI
I’m so glad you found your calling,. Your aha moment was pretty clear.
Amy Desrosiers recently posted..Family Fun with the DIGIORNO® Design-A-Pizza Kit #DesignAPizza #Digiorno
It’s wonderful that you made the changes you needed to, to get the lives you wanted for you and your son. This is an awesome testimony to being true to yourself!
This is a really powerful story and post. Thank you for sharing it. It’s amazing to see how your changes have impacted you and your son.
Tracey recently posted..There’s Nothing Better Than a Good Cup of Coffee
Thanks for sharing this! Sounds like you have accomplished great things.
Krystal recently posted..30 Before 30 | k.m. hutton clutch
Wow. I love how you took charge and made something happen. Now look at you two!
how wonderful, you’ve done well mama!
Good for you for you and your son. You have both thought hard about the lives you wanted and made it happen. Best of luck on all your future endeavors!
Theresa recently posted..The Fault In Our Stars Cake
What a great post and you and your son are both such inspirations. It looks like you’re both doing BIG things!
The best part is that as long as you have the drive and determination, it never is really too late to start over for that reimagined life.
Megan @ C’mon Get Crafty recently posted..Baby Series: Printable Baby Book Pages
What a great post. I the power of action is huge….if you take that leap…but before you can do that you have to believe….in yourself.
StacieinAtlanta recently posted..105 Summer Boredom Busters
Well- I took action and just joined the Stiletto Blogger Network! I am a newbie blogger- but I believe in my abilities to grow my brand!
Carly Bellard recently posted..M’s Mini-Series: Organic Sugar Cookies
I have a very strong awareness of the amount of time I have in life and what I want to be moving toward during that time. I think it’s both a blessing and acurse.
I am a huge believer of positive thinking and believing in what you want and thinking about it over and over. You become what you believe.
April Smith Decheine recently posted..Baked Kale Chips Recipe
This is so wonderful, Migdalia! I’ve started re-imagining my life. I’ve gone back to school for my Master degree and I’m currently looking into getting a substitute teacher job for the fall. I’ll be student teaching soon, and I couldn’t be happier. I see the change in Sophia as well. Yes, right now things are hard since I’m not working, but I’m more present in her life and mine.
Big hugs!
My life could use some reimagining. I just wish I knew what to imagine!
Melanie S. recently posted..Solid Cordz Premium Series Gold-Plated 6 ft High Speed HDMI Cable with Ethernet
Such a great story…very inspirational.
At twenty-eight I’m actually about to change what I’m doing with my life. I’m planning on going back to school in the fall.
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest recently posted..Jack Ryan Father’s Day Gift Basket
You’re such a thinking person. That makes you a wonderful advisor and mom. It is amazing to see what we can do when we make good choices.
Tonia @TheChattyMomma recently posted..Mommy Makeover Monday – Hot Legs Hair Removal (#Manscaping Daddy)
This is such a thought provoking post. We often don’t realize the power we have in thoughts and words
veronica recently posted..New Bedding For Summer
Your story is inspiring. We can have good intentions, but it really takes some action to get things going!
Chrysa recently posted..Graceland: The Complete First Season on DVD Reader Giveaway
I definitely think all three of those have very much power. I think people tend to forget that words and actions really speak volumes
Toni recently posted..Beach Essentials From Ocean Potion And Vote For Florida’s Best Beach! #FLBestBeach
Migdalia, I love this story and am so impressed with how you motivated your son to achieve such success. Using social media has clearly been empowering for both of you. So happy to have gotten to know you that way, too! Thanks for sharing your path with your readers. Mary Dell
Grown and Flown recently posted..The 30-Second Guide to The World Cup
Wow, love this post. You’ve accomplished so much and now so has your son. That’s awesome!
Jennifer B recently posted..National Black Cow Day | Brown Cow
Awesome post! For me, my life re-imagined is making my blog a full time job. So that is where I am headed!
Amanda recently posted..A Parking Spot Only A Parent Could Love
What an inspiring story. I love that you both have dome some amazing things not just for yourselves but for those around you.
Marina recently posted..How to throw an Insect or Bug themed party.
Yes!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished writing about the power of our thoughts and words for a book I’m working on. We don’t always remember how much our words and thoughts shape our lives and what we become. Great post!
Cam | Bibs and Baubles recently posted..Summer’s Top Ten! Here’s Mine, What’s Yours?
This is so inspiring, Migdalia! Thank you for sharing!
Wow I’m so impressed about the full scholarship! And all that travel, plus he created his own initiative. You must be a proud mama!
I’m pretty good about staying in tune with the needs of my kids and balancing work with it. I can’t imagine feeling stressed at work when my kids need me. Just not my thing. So glad you made a decision to improve your daily life.
Nina recently posted..The Biggest Reason Parents Should Have a Life Outside of Kids