

Inexpensive and Natural Beauty Products

I was recently admiring my mother’s smooth complexion. She doesn’t spend much on her beauty routine yet she has such smooth skin! I decided to investigate her Latinalicious “secrets” and share them with YOU. Here’s what I discovered:

1. To keep her lips moist, she smears sugar on them, the real thing not Splenda, Equal or Sweet & Low,  because those lips, unlike our hips, don’t mind getting plump. The sugar works as a sweet exfolient that vanishes dry cracked lips while tasting oh soooo yummy!

2.  As a licensed Cosmetogist, my mother learned to use the cool setting on the blow-dryer to set her hair instead of hair spray, which is bad for the ozone layer and not the type of hair my honey wants to run his hands through!  

3. My Mom loves avocados! Not just because they’re so lip smacking good but because we also use them for

(a) Our hair as a moisturizer- Mix avocado with olive oil and an egg yolk. Leave on for 20-30 minutes depending on the texture. The mixture will prevent aging on our most delicate area. moisturize and give sheen to your hair.

(b) To smooth puffy eyes- Mix avocado with aloe vera gel. You can use the recipe noted HERE.

4. If you are like my mom, you may wash your rice before cooking. If so, she suggests you use the drained water on your face as a mask. Apparently my grandmother used the drained water to moisturize her face. Hmmm not sure if she did it to save money back on the farm or because it really worked since I have never done it.

5. In the evening, after using a loofah on your feet, apply vaseline as this will seal in the moisture.

6. Put oatmeal in your bath. It will leave your skin smooth and polished. Also, great if you get alot of mosquito bites in the summer to alleviate the itch.

7. To exfoliate your face, get a hot cup of green tea. Drape a towel over your face, putting your face over the cup. The vapors will open up your pores, helping to get rid of black heads.

8. To get smooth hands, fill a bowl with warm water, natural apple cider vinegar and soak. This will remove dead skin.

9. An egg white mask on your face can be used to get smoother baby soft skin. Just let it dry, then peel it off!

Did your mom do any of these? Or do you have any natural beauty products that you use? Let us know!

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Mary April 29, 2009, 11:07 pm

    Hello again!!!! Latinolicious this are wonderful and cheap ways of keeping ourself looking younger…. I have tried the avocado for my hair but never mix it with anything else .. I will now try this new mix and will let you know how it works. I had also tried vaseline on my feet and it does miracles. One that I want to try is the vinegar on my hands but I want to know if that works for the feets as well? Hope to hear from you and congratulations one more time for the wonderful blog you have.

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