




If you’re not on Twitter then you missed the news: I was featured!

Urbane Perspective, an online magazine, which caters to the “modern day Black, Asian, and Latina woman”, or urbane females, featured me last month.  Not sure what an urbane female is, read on: 

An urbane female is hardworking, appreciative, persistent, proud, intelligent, and keen. She enjoys life and gets through adversity with optimism. Surrounded with great company, the urbane woman exudes confidence. She’s embraced by the love of her family, the greatness of her friends, or the mutual admiration and comforting respect of her significant other. Her spirit is driven, her creative juices are flowing as she stays in her lanes as she elevates in stride, the urbane woman to flourishes in all she touches because she never stops reinventing herself.

I am proud to be seen as one and inspired to live up to the honor. I also know that I would not able to do any of what I do if I were not “Surrounded with great company”, like  my family, friends and blogger buddies so thank YOU!

Now I have to stop before I get sentimental and start crying. Please click HERE and give me a moment to compose myself.

Just make sure you come back Friday when Ananda Leeke, the author of Love’s Troubadours: Karma: Book Oneand soon to be released That Which Awakens Me, speaks with me about my Blogalicious experiences on Sisterhood, the Blog Radio.  Sisterhood is a well know online blog radio that Ananda featured in her soon to be released book. The show features one on one conversations with real women about their journey to self discovery, one that I am currently on. Our discussion will be held at 9pm EST on Friday, the thirteenth. You are welcomed to join in with questions or thoughts by calling in. The number is noted on the site.  

Let me know if you’ll be joining us this Friday in a comment below. Its my very first blog radio interview so I would love the support!

Hasta luego / Till then!


UPDATE: Due to a family emergency, I had to cut my interview short. Hopefully, Ananda and I can reschedule for another date. Until then, you can listen to the condensed interview by clicking HERE.

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

Facebook Comments

{ 12 comments… add one }

  • Avatar NIkki @ Blasian Baby November 12, 2009, 2:34 am

    I’ll be listening 😉

  • Avatar Trish @IamSucceeding November 12, 2009, 8:34 am

    Well I am on twitter and follow your beautiful self, but somehow missed this!

    Congratulations woman!

  • Avatar Nik November 12, 2009, 12:09 pm

    Congrats! I will tune in!

  • Avatar Karen Medlin November 12, 2009, 12:12 pm

    Congratulations! Keep believing that anything and everything is possible!

  • Avatar Sabrina November 12, 2009, 1:36 pm

    Congratulations Chica! Well deserved and what a great interview!

  • Avatar Vanessa S November 12, 2009, 1:38 pm

    Congrats girl!!!!

  • Avatar Ms. Latina November 13, 2009, 1:39 am

    Thank you ladies for the votes of confidence! *HUGS*

  • Avatar Nancy November 13, 2009, 2:46 am

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! It’s so nice to get compliments and be recognized 🙂

    • Avatar Ms. Latina November 13, 2009, 3:21 am

      @Nancy: De vera que si! Me senti tan allegre por recibir la recognicion y se que el apoyo de familia, amistades y Papa Dios es lo que me ayudo!

  • Avatar Don Limpio November 13, 2009, 5:44 pm


  • Avatar Isolated Existence November 18, 2009, 3:12 am

    I finally listened to the interview. Very inspiring, Chica 🙂

  • Avatar Lisa December 3, 2009, 1:18 pm

    Go you!!

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