Last week our soon to be launched Latino social media company Hispanicize held a MEGA Twitter Party with 45 prizes worth more than $2,000. Click here for a quick recap. This week we’re hosting another fiesta/party for our Twitter title sponsor Discovery Familia with over $2,000 in gift cards and prizes. This Wednesday night’s theme: Latino Holiday Traditions.
We want to know what traditions you follow or if you created “new” traditions for your family!
- Do you put up a tree after Thanksgiving or do you wait for Christmas Eve?
- Do you have family canciones/songs that you sing each year?
- Do you open presents at the stroke of midnight or wait till Christmas morning?
There are so many ways of celebrating the holidays, none are better than others and all fit YOUR familia/family! With that said, we want to hear them ALL! Why? Because it may help us start new traditions or remind us of some we lost along the way.
So grab your cup of coquito/Spanish Egg Nog or even a cafecito/cup of coffee and lift your cup in a toast to some of our fabulous sponsors:
- Discovery Familia
- LeapFrog
- George Foreman
- Mattel
- SnapFish
- Latino Leaders Magazine
For your viewing pleasure, below are a FEW of the prizes being given.
(1) $50 Bed Bath & Beyond Gift Card
(1) LeapFrog Interactive High Chair, retail value $250
We’ll also have a (1) $50 DSW Gift Card, a (1) $50 Target Gift Card, (3) Discovery Familia Swag Bags, containing Doki Plush Toy, Doki Write-on T-Shirt, Doki Notebook, DFAM Soy Candle, Juice Glasss Set, Expresso Cups, and a Flip Video Camera – retail value $250 each, and MUCH MORE!
To join in the Holiday Traditions Twitter Party you MUST follow the Hispanicize Team & Twitter Party Co-Hosts:
- Hispanicize – @Hispanicize
- Migdalia Rivera – @MsLatina
- Louis Pagan – @LouisPagan
- Manny Ruiz – @PapiBlogger
- Jennifer Hutchinson –@Mami2Mommy
- Joscelyn R. Campbell –@JoscelynRC
Twitter Party Details: Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2010 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. ET
Required Hashtag: #hispz Language: ENGLISH and SPANISH Need help following the conversation? Click here to use our customized Tweetgrid panels. NOTE: You MUST RSVP below to participate. Unsure how to join, read my Twitter Basics post. Winners will be chosen with from those who RSVP and are answering Holiday Traditions questions, while using the #hispz hashtag. Open to US Residents ONLY. |
RSVP is mandatory!
Add your Twitter URL below
Example of a Twitter URL –>
{ 50 comments… add one }
Sounds like lots of fun!!! Muy Bueno!!!! I’m ready to play!
Erica recently posted..My Children are Clever AND Crafty
would not miss this for anything. I had a great time last week. I don’t want to be put in jail… That was crazy.. You guys are the best..
I look forward to sharing and learning.
excited 🙂
Last week was successful and here is hoping this week will be just as much…thanks a bunch guys 🙂
Looking forward to it! @born2boop
yay! my first twitter party!
can’t wait.
Que bien, ya estoy mas que lista, saludos y muchas gracias !
Reina recently posted..De todo Corazon
Cant wait to try it out again! Last week was rough! My computer kept freezing! Crossing my fingers this time!
Eizabeth Dalton recently posted..Another Year of Wonderful Memories
Ahi estare! Me encantaria ganar esta vez! Gracias por la oportunidad!
Myrah recently posted..AHORROS PARA MAMA- Kymaro – Kit completo de belleza para TRES Ganadoras
I can’t wait! 🙂
WOW, ya está en mi calendario 5 pm PST hasta quien sabe.
Lilian Hurn recently posted..Cupón gratis para Dream Water gracias a Walmart
Ahi nos vemos!!!
Last week’s party was a blast, and I am sure this one will be just as epic! Thanks for the opportunity to mingle with other Latinas 🙂
So excited!
I look forward to the tweetup. I love the subject of holiday traditions too. It’s interesting how each country has their own twist on how they celebrate.
I had so much fun at last week’s party, I can’t wait for this week! Nic job everyone! 🙂
I will definitely be there!
Tough Cookie Mommy recently posted..No Refunds or Exchanges
Hopefully I will stay out of twitter jail this time! Looking forward to the party.
Sounds like a lot of fun!
Gina Ruiz recently posted..Latism- Sprint and the Jorge Posada Foundation
Doh, forgot the math again and was called a spambot. Espantoso!
Anyway, now I have to write in Spanish again – it’s hard for me – but it’s fun – so it’s ok.
I said I was coming to the party just to visit – y practica mi español – and to soak up some Christmas – ganar no es importante a mí
perdón, mi español es malo
Merry Christmas
Craig recently posted..Love follows the star
my first twitter party, i’m excited!!
sounds like fun! see you tomorrow noche!
Great party last week and hope you don’t have twitter jail again..LOL. That was wild. It was fun. @PlumSage
Had so much fun at last weeks party, I will be there this week for sure.
can’t wait @nola727
Parece una cosa divina !
OrlandoP recently posted..OrlandoP- Momento are giving away a top of the range MacBook Air to celebrate the launch of v20! RT & Follow httpss-tco-bcIo1GU via @MomentoApp
I can’t wait!…I love these parties…Even though I never win anything…lol
jessica bailey recently posted..SuperMomSurveys- Check out Groupons daily deal – huge discounts on the coolest stuff in your city httpss-grpn-htXpuH
Can’t wait! I had fun last time even though I didn’t win. Here’s hoping for better luck this time!
I’m in!
@bloggingatlanta recently posted..Happiness is Caroling & Cupcakes at the Fernbank Museum
I am looking forward to the party tonight!
Last week was so much fun!
My RSVP is in, can’t wait! Had lots of fun during last week’s twitter party!
I will be there! I am looking forward to it. Everyone try to stay out of Twitter jail tonight. 😉
So excited for this! Hopefully the baby is down for bedtime by then! Looking forward to it!!!
sounds like wonderful fun! @clallen1971
Can’t wait!!!!
It’s going to be great. I had a lot of fun last week. Thanks for hosting!!! 🙂
Antonia Blanca recently posted..Reverb10- Let Go
Hello everybody…. Hola a todos desde Puerto Rico!
sounds like fun 🙂
this will be my first Twitter party… looking forward to tonight!
I can’t wait to party tonight!
It was a blast last week…marathon party! can’t wait!
Looking forward to participating!
So excited about this! 🙂
Look forward to the Twitter event sponsored by Discovery Familia!
Al Quintana recently posted..Shake It Like A Polaroid!
Woohoo! Another fun night with awesome hosts!
My first twitter party.. wooohooo im excited!
YAY! Can’t wait. Sounds like too much fun! =)
Hola Chicas! I am Muy Excited to be here! lol
Tabathia B recently posted..What I thought about Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas