This past week I took a much needed break from blogging. As with most jobs, a person can become complacent or burnt out without time away from the “office”. I was feeling the latter.
During my hiatus, I was able to spend some much needed time on myself and my boys. Which made me realize this one woman show, can no longer be!
I am now looking for guest bloggers to write about any of the topics found in my header. Guest bloggers can submit their pitch to MsLatina (AT), noting “Guest Blog Pitch” in the subject line. Please include a writing sample or link to a writing sample.
You do not have to be a blogger to apply; however, you must be able to write a 300-500 word article in English. Also note, at this time, writers chosen to write for Latina On a Mission will not be paid, although this may change in the future.
On the fence? Below are a few reasons why guest blogging may benefit you.
- Reach new audience
- Build your freelance writing portfolio
- Build your brand
- Network
- Build links to your site
Also note, guest bloggers must adhere to the below rules.
- The post needs to fit in one of the topics found in my header.
- The post must be original writing. It can not have been used on your own blog or anywhere else.
- It must be your own work. You cannot submit someone elses work.
- Links included in post must relate to the post and cannot be affiliate links.
Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!
{ 4 comments… add one }
Great idea! We should be thanking you for the opportunity to be a guest blogger!
Hola. I’ve just landed in FL from visiting my sister who’s founding aChildren’s Mission in a poor town in the Dominican Republic.
My plan is to continue developing my YouTube Channel complementing my blog.

The channel will deal with a project and a discussion of a health related question geared to teens and children’s health.
As you know I am a pediatrician.
Please let me know if you’d like the idea as a guest blogger with a twist.
Sounds like a great idea… will contact you offline.
Hey post the recipe for that garlic sauce thong u mentioned in the yuca recipe