As a Latina, I am excited to say that companies are now recognizing mi cultura/my culture. This is evident in how they are courting Latinas in social media. However, none have courted Latinas as General Mills did this past month.
General Mills recently flew 34 Latina bloggers, myself included, to Miami for a Que Rica Vida event. The name General Mills chose for the event, is also utilized for their Spanish site It means “What a Rich Life”, which is appropriate considering that General Mills is not limiting the site to their products. In order to provide Latinas with a rich life, it has included coupons, savings tips, recipes, parenting advise, health information and so much more!
I am delighted to see that a company as huge as General Mills is noticing Latinas. We, like all Mothers, work hard to nurture, care and provide for our families. We love to share information and are very loyal when it comes to a brand we like, even when it costs a bit more. We are very similar to other Moms, yet different as well.
As a Latina, I center my life around mi familia/ my family. I live, breathe and feel in two cultures, two languages. Its in my blood and very evident in how I think, speak and react. As a Latina, I do not shake your hand upon meeting you, I hug and kiss you. I am passionate about things I care about. I do not hide how I feel, I vocalize it … sometimes more vehemently than I should. I choose to live a rica vida/ rich life because I know that I am defined not just by where I live, but where I came from. It is tied to my identity. It is tied to how I see the world. It is tied to how I make financial choices.
General Mills took a bold step by realizing the way to Latinas hearts and pockets is via their cultura/culture. Ignore one and you forfeit the other. I applaud them and hope you will as well by taking the time to review their website: Additionally, for a short time when you sign up for their newsletter you will receive a special gift. So go ahead, you deserve to have a rica vida/ rich life!
Click HERE to sign up for the Que Rica Vida newsletter.
Disclosure: Travel expenses were covered during the event, however, this in no way influences the views expressed within said post.
{ 4 comments… add one }
I completely agree with you! What a great way to express what we latinas are about! Se me aguaron un poquito los phosphorus y todo cause it’s just perfectly said. I loved meeting you in person! Did you see your photos matavillosas in my Flickr?
I applaud them too for the Site, and Tambien te aplaudo a ti por tu Blog!!Me dio gusto conocerte!
The VP of Diversity came and spoke to my professional group last year and it was so aspring how this company in Minnasota recruits from PR, and other Hispanic cultures and makes them feel like home. Good to hear you had a good time!
It’s nice when your culture is recognized and specifically target. So happy for you 🙂