

FREE Mother’s Day Card to Benefit Go Red For Women #GoRedCorazon

Go Red Billboard in Times Square, NYC 

As one of the Go Red For Women and Go Red Por Tu Corazon spokeswomen, I am passionate about heart health. Knowing that women and Latinas especially suffer from heart disease and that we can lower our risks by eating healthier has inspired me to make changes in my family’s lifestyle, which I hope to pass onto YOU, my readers. It’s one of the reason’s I started Sabroso Saturday! I use it to share and find healthy heart healthy recipes.

As a non-profit, Go Red For Women obtains funds via donations and sponsors. This year Macy’s, Go Red For Women’s national sponsor, is raising funds for Heart Health with FREE Mother’s Day cards. You can help contribute and help raise the amount donated  by  sending a FREE Mother’s Day card from Macy’s Facebook page through May 8. Just make sure you select Go Red For Women as the charity. If you do, Macy’s will donate $5 for each card created, up to $400,000 total!

As one of five non-profits competing for those dollars, your support is important so please create and send at least one card between now and Mother’s Day. 

If you want to send cards to multiple people, be sure to create separate cards for each person to make them count.

Also, feel free to share this information on your Facebook or Twitter account using the sample post below.

Macy’s w/donate $5 to Go Red For Women 4 evry FREE Mother’s Day card sent. Just select it as the charity! #MsLatina

From my heart and countless other women’s heart’s thank you!

About the Author


Migdalia Rivera, also known as Ms. Latina in social media, is a single Latina mother of a teen, tween and 2 Australian Shepherds. When not blogging, or chasing after her energetic bunch, she connects influential bloggers with brands and PR agencies via her blogger network, Stiletto Media.

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  • Avatar Eve May 6, 2011, 9:04 pm

    Im glad to see you talking about this. Lots of people dont even know its the #1 killer of women

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