We’re having a fiesta/party sponsored by Cricket Wireless.
The tree’s lit. The pasteles are boiling and the pernil is in the oven. We have gallons of coquito/egg nog chilling in the fridge and música/music playing.
What’s missing?
Join us for the #CricketContigo Fiesta de Navidad / Christmas Twitter Party to talk about family, staying connected during the holidays and @MiCricket, a leading wireless provider that gives it’s customers great service and perks like:
- Global Local Number that allows Cricket customer’s to set up a local number in more than 40 different countries, including the United States and Mexico, so that those calling you are charged for a local call NOT long distance!
- 2 new international rate plans, a Mexico rate plan and a global rate plan. Both plans include unlimited local talk and US long distance, domestic and global messaging AND mobile web.
Like always, we’ll be tweeting in English and Spanish so feel free to tweet in whatever language you feel comfortable in! / ¡Vamos a estar twiteando en Inglés y Español, así que usa el idioma en el que te sientas mas cómodo!
Pre-tweet to Win!Anyone who tweets this post from now until the #CricketContigo Fiesta de Navidad / Christmas Twitter Party will be eligible to win a $100 American Express gift card. Winner announced during the party. |
- Migdalia Rivera – @MsLatina
- Sugar Jones – @SugarJones
- Maria – @ToughCookieMom
- Myrah – @CouponMamacita
- Stiletto Media: @StilettoChat
- Party Panelist: @MiCricket
#CricketContigo Fiesta de Navidad / Christmas Twitter Party Prizes:

- One (1) Samsung Vitality Phone (or similar per market) with 3 months activation and a bluetooth headset (Approximate Retail Value: $494)
Second Prize
- One (1) Samsung Vitality Phone (or similar per market), (1) digital Photo Frame pre-programmed with Cricket information, and (1) cell phone case. (Approximate Retail Value: $300)
Third Prize
- Four (4) $50 Best Buy giftcards ($200 value) For you, or to use as gifts!
Twitter Party Details Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EST Required Hashtag: #CricketContigo Language: ENGLISH and SPANISH Follow via TweetGrid: https://bit.ly/CCgrid NOTE: Add your Twitter name (Example: @YourName) in the last box shown in the TweetGrid to see tweets that mention your name. Unsure how to join the #CricketContigo Twitter Party, read my Twitter Basics post. Winners will be chosen with random.org from those who RSVP and are answering Twitter Party questions, while using the #CricketContigo hashtag. Open to US Residents ONLY. Void in Puerto Rico. Post Office Box addresses are not allowed. For official Twitter Party rules click HERE. |
RSVP below to win prizes
Example of a Twitter URL –> https://twitter.com/MsLatina

Disclosure: This is a paid campaign created in collaboration with Stiletto Media and Cricket Wireless.
{ 50 comments… add one }
See you then!!
tweeting for ya too!
I always love your parties!!
yay, love the MiCricket people! 😀
Tweet Tweet !
Nice to meet you! 😀 So excited about your party, can’t wait, I know it’s gonna be AWESOME!!! @Sexyknickers68_
cant wait good luck everyone…
Great to finally join Twitter
Looking forward to the party!
Party time …yay !!
I will be there.
I can’t wait !!!!
RSVP and ready
Ok did it!! Cant wait.
Good Luck everyone!
Got ‘pre-party’ tweety with it to over 5,300 followers here: https://twitter.com/?lang=en&logged_out=1#!/Tracy_Iglesias/status/144230558950625280
The Official #TwitterPartyDJ is in effect! 😉
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly recently posted..{Movie Review} Prep & Landing – Watch it Tonight on ABC!
Im ready!!!
i will be there i going to invite my readers
my first twitter party — let’s see if i can figure this out 🙂 awesome topic, so had to join in
Cynthia recently posted..Chopsticks, Please
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/144508774206550016
Estoy alli lista a bailar!!!
bohemian babushka recently posted..Fall Part 2
Pretweet- https://twitter.com/#!/BBabushka/status/144797230623227904
bohemian babushka recently posted..Fall Part 2
tweeting @sexyknickers68_
tweet- https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/144809293764505600
I will be there! @megg0
I’ll be there! Thank you
I tweeted I follow @waterbluffy I will be their
Awesome!!! Looking forward to it!
MommyAmericana (Karina Neff) recently posted..I am Pregnant! (Part II)
I’ll be there!
My tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/lafamiliacool/status/145014751406194688
tweet- https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/145187669360644096
twet- https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/145580269712314368
Seems like this is going to be so much fun! Cant wait!
I’ll be there! https://twitter.com/#!/squiggy241
Good luck to everyone. But, I mostly mean “Good luck to me” 🙂 – Everyone feel free to delete your tweets just to make this one https://twitter.com/#!/DaveMora/status/145871635130499072 – the only available tweet. 🙂
Dave Mora recently posted..Reaching Inbox 0
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/js22222222/status/145883071202344960
I tweeted
tweeting the word out..looking forward to the party!!
rsvp @WendyNoel72
New to your parties…RSVP’d @Byrdy1999
Can’t wait 🙂
Can’t wait, so excited! Hoping to win something exciting just in time for Christmas!
tweet: https://twitter.com/js22222222/status/146378201134927872
Count me in!
can’t wait 🙂
I love a good party! I’ll be there @Monnie311
TWEET: https://twitter.com/js22222222/status/146585955963379712
What an exciting event. Looking forward to it.