If you’ve been following my blog, then you know I work as a Mystery Shopper to earn extra cash. I’ve joined member several shopping sites, each of which specializes in different categories.
During the summer I conducted a bowling shop, which was super fun for me and the boys. I was compensated for what I spent and also earned a few extra bucks for conducting the review. However, the time spent with my boys enjoying a relaxing event that was paid, was worth so much more then what I earned! Click HERE to read more about the bowling shop.
Last week I was able to do a few financial shops where I reviewed several banks’ customer service. I was paid between $15-20 for each shop that I conducted on my lunch hour. Each shop took me less then 45 minutes to complete (30 minutes in the bank and 15 minutes online completing the review). Once reviewed and approved by the mystery shopping company, the money was deposited directly into my PayPal account.
I can easily earn upwards of $50 a week ($200+ a month) when working as a mystery shopper, especially during the holidays when companies need more reviews. I then use the money as my holiday money instead of using my credit cards! Note, opportunities vary per state.
To help you get started as a Mystery Shopper, I’ve begun to compile a list of Mystery Shopping sites. Click HERE to view the list.
Suerte/Good luck and don’t forget to stash that extra ca$h!
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I finally decided to write a comment on your blog. I just wanted to say good job. I really enjoy reading your posts.