Wordless Wednesday: Press! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Press! Thumbnail

My boys and I recently found a new health food restaurant that even they enjoyed! Its called Press. They make freshly Pressed bread at the location. They have four choices: whole wheat, rosemary, sun dried tomato and  white.    After you make your selection, they press the bread right in front of you! You are than given a HUGE [...]

Wordless Wednesday: My New Year Will Be Full Of… Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: My New Year Will Be Full Of… Thumbnail

Hope yours is too! Happy WW!  

Wordless Wednesday: Times Square is Almost Ready for 2010! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Times Square is Almost Ready for 2010! Thumbnail

Although the sign behind it says "I'll be back", 2009 is gone for good in Times Square ... while 2010 is being prepared and set up! Are you ready?

Wordless Wednesday in the Latina House Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday in the Latina House Thumbnail

My youngest promised me a peaceful WW, but do you notice the glimmer of mischief in his eyes? Hmm I wonder! Happy WW!

Wordless Wednesday: The Pots and The Mousepad Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: The Pots and The Mousepad Thumbnail

When I was married, I wanted my first Christmas to be eventful. It was, but not for the reasons I imagined. As  I unwrapped mine, my ex-husband looked so excited!    This is what I found ... and this... and a whole slew of other practical gifts.  So my question this WW is what would you prefer [...]

Wordless Wednesday: My Birthday / Mi Cumpleano Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: My Birthday / Mi Cumpleano Thumbnail

Birthdays have changed for me as I've gotten older. A few years back I would have gone out with a group of friends, stayed out all night and come back home with barely enough time to change and get to work. Do you remember those days? It seems like only yesterday to me! My latest birthday was different. I woke up, examined [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Dessert, Desserts and Calories! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Dessert, Desserts and Calories! Thumbnail

Ever since they changed the laws in New York, making restaurants display the calories on their menus, I can't eat dessert without feeling guilty! I use to be able to eat a salad, then order a delicious piece of cheesecake or a scrumptious brownie without feeling any dieter's guilt. I mean seriously I had a salad right? Everyone knows [...]

Wordless Wednesday: Chic Table Setting from RedPlum and Ikea! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: Chic Table Setting from RedPlum and Ikea! Thumbnail

Last night I went to the RedPlum event in NYC, where we learned about RedPlum's coupons, saw 30 frugal finds under $30 and admired some wonderful table settings from Ikea. I'll post more about their Latinalicious deals and finds later on this weekend but till then I would like to share with you pictures of Ikea's [...]

Wordless Wednesday: I saw Bumblebee, the Transformer! Thumbnail Wordless Wednesday: I saw Bumblebee, the Transformer! Thumbnail

One day while strolling home and listening to my iPod, I noticed a large crowd of people coming my way. Ever the inquisitive one (nice way of putting it huh?), I decided to see what was going on. It was Bumblebee, the Transformer! The two ladies in the picture were preparing to run. Can you [...]


Prince is my youngest and will forever be known as my "baby". He doesn't complain. In fact, I know he secretly likes the cuddling and special treatment he receives as the youngest, but like most boys doesn't want anyone to know! There is a seven year age difference between Prince and Big K . It wasn't by [...]


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