I think this Dad needs a new vanity license plate unless he WANTS to get speeding tickets! What do you think? Happy WW! Don't forget to link up!

This past weekend the boys and I went to Sesame Place. It was our first time and we had a BLAST! Later on this week, I plan on posting a recap of our day at Sesame Place but today I wanted to share with you our Sesame Place caricatures. I loved the caricatures so much I already hung them [...]

The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat. ~Lily Tomlin This rat beat me to the donut cart. He won the race but I won the battle of the bulge Bwahahahaha Happy WW! :) Don't forget to add the direct link to your WW post below and [...]

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go on a field trip with Andrew, my 9 year old. While chatting with the kids, I learned of a new fad, shaped rubber bands! Based on my teen's Facebook page, it seems to be all the rage with that age group as well! The rubber bands come in all shapes, [...]

When's the last time you played? Happy WW and don't forget to link up! If you are near New York City and a Latino, please consider going to the New York Drive to save baby Sophia. If you are not a Latino or do not live near New York City, please help spread the word [...]

This past week, the boys and I went furniture shopping. I think my teen found the perfect sofa. What do you think? Happy WW and don't forget to link up!

Happy WW and many thanks to Ofelia for introducing me to the Big Booty Baking Co. and their Latinalicious goodies!

This past week during vacation, the boys and I decided to go for a walk. They hated loved the exercise. Their eyes rolled gleemed while their snickers laughter and angry joyful observations made our New York City walk even more delightful than it normally would have been. At that moment, I knew my heart was bursting! When I happened upon the below [...]

For all the Hello Kitty Lovers! A Hello Kitty statue is on display on Park Avenue in NYC. It was created by Tom Sachs and is on display at the Lever House. The picture above was taken with my cell phone; hence, the poor quality shot. You can see a better picture by clicking [...]
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