
Toyota Meals Per Hour: Coney Island, March 2013| Latina On a Mission Toyota Meals Per Hour: Coney Island, March 2013| Latina On a Mission

On October 29, Superstorm Sandy struck NYC. It was one of the deadliest hurricanes to hit NYC and the second costliest to hit the United States. Many were left without homes, necessities, and food. It was grim. It still is. Although several months have passed since Sandy struck, there are many who are still feeling [...]

Mother and Son Talking | Latina On a Mission Mother and Son Talking | Latina On a Mission

With the recent tragedies in Boston and West Texas, parents must find a way to reassure children in an age appropriate manner. Younger children may not understand and need assurance. While older children can become overwhelmed with the constant media coverage. Children process these things differently.  To help parents respond, Latina On a Mission asked [...]

Homeless | Latina On a Mission Homeless | Latina On a Mission

Homelessness is REAL. And, the homeless are not the face you imagine. In the '90s, when I had my oldest son at 22 ½, I was making $35,000 a year. I had minimal debt, other than my living expenses: rent, utilities, transportation, food/necessities, and my beeper - Yes, it was a necessity. :) However, I did [...]

Latina Blogger: 4 Years in the Making Thumbnail Latina Blogger: 4 Years in the Making Thumbnail

Yesterday was Latina On a Mission's 4th year blogoversary. It boggles my mind. When I began blogging, a Latina Blogger was a rarity.  Surprisingly, finding a Latina Blogger from New York, a state with a high concentration of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, was even rarer in 2009.¹ Over the course of those four years, I've [...]

Sons Should Come With A Disclaimer Thumbnail Sons Should Come With A Disclaimer Thumbnail

"You're my Wonder Mom." My tween proclaimed those words this past week. His back had been badly hurt playing Dodge-ball in school and he could not walk. As I lifted him up, I winched but did not let him see. He is no longer a baby. He weighs more then 105 lbs. Yet, last week [...]

Valentine’s Day From the Eyes of a Wife Thumbnail Valentine’s Day From the Eyes of a Wife Thumbnail

Opinion Piece: Valentine's Day From the Eyes of a Wife, first published on Latina On a Mission ©Crazy80frog | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I feel the  pressure mounting. Valentine's Day comes with expectations.  In my heart, I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment. Yet, it doesn't [...]

Tween Cosmetic Dentistry: Before and After Photos Thumbnail Tween Cosmetic Dentistry: Before and After Photos Thumbnail

Earlier this week my Tween was racing to catch the train. It was raining. He was running. It was slippery. He fell. HARD. I thought he was kidding when he originally sent me the text message.   He wasn't. The picture proved it.   Thankfully, we were able to get an appointment with the same Dentist that is [...]

Sick Woman with a cup of tea (Free Digital Photos) Sick Woman with a cup of tea (Free Digital Photos)

I've been MIA, Missing In Action, and feel so disconnected. It seems like a whole month has passed me by. Thankfully, I am slowly getting back to "normal". I've heard that everything comes in threes, good and bad. I can definitely attest to the fact that sickness comes in threes. Towards the end of 2012, [...]

The Face of One Who’s Health Was At Risk  (“When the health of the mother is at risk”) Thumbnail The Face of One Who’s Health Was At Risk  (“When the health of the mother is at risk”) Thumbnail

Before the birth of my youngest son, I had two miscarriages and an abortion. That pregnancy haunts me to this day. My son, my precious child, would have been 12. During that pregnancy, I was placed on partial bed rest. I was high risk. My body had so much trouble holding onto my boys. Yet, this pregnancy lasted [...]

5 Things I Learned When My Teen Went to College Thumbnail 5 Things I Learned When My Teen Went to College Thumbnail

My teen left for college in August. It was, and still is, one of the most bittersweet moments of my single parenting journey. I'm so very proud of him, more than words can ever say. Yet, a small part of me wishes... he could have stayed a boy forever.  I know this is selfish of me. I do not [...]


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