Updated: Oct 11, 2021 If you're looking for a sweet taste of Puerto Rico, you must master the flan de queso or cream cheese flan. It is perfect for gatherings, with a cup of espresso or as a sweet treat after a meal. It is also a must-have during the holidays. Our original recipe does [...]

This past weekend, I received the COVID-19 vaccine. This was due in large part to the initiatives my state has created to ensure the Latino community has access to these life-saving vaccines. Based on conversations with family and friends, this is not the case throughout our nation. Sadly, the Latinx community is facing an undue [...]

When I think of runners, I think of long, lean bodies. I don't have that type of body. And yet, I run.

Click HERE to read this article in Spanish. This post is sponsored by the Anthem Foundation. Maria* has two children. She works a part-time job while attending college to become a nurse. She also works as a house cleaner on weekends and, when available, as a brand ambassador at local conventions. Yet, even though she is a [...]

Haga clic AQUÍ para leer este artículo en inglés. Esta publicación está patrocinada por Anthem Foundation. Maria* tiene dos hijos. Ella trabaja a tiempo parcial mientras estudia para ser enfermera. También trabaja como limpiadora de casas los fines de semana y, cuando está disponible, como embajadora de marca en convenciones locales. Sin embargo, a pesar [...]

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. It was created in collaboration with Inside Rx; however, my experience as an Inside Rx card-carrying member is strictly my own. The Inside Rx trademarks and graphics are provided by Inside Rx, LLC. Prescription drug costs have risen over 10% in 2019, while in many cases wages have stayed stagnant. [...]

Given the importance of stress and its effect on a person's mental health, Latina On a Mission has opted to share the below loosely translated and condensed Op-ed. It is a sponsored post written by Jorge Cortina, MD, Medical Director for Behavioral Health at Anthem, Inc. Click to read the original full-length Spanish Op-ed, Comencemos [...]

Food, to me, has always been more than nourishment. Each act of cooking - cutting, mixing, stirring, is an act of love. In my eyes, a meal represents love and caring, or the lack thereof, at the time of preparation. With so much at state, I was worried. Would my adult onset food allergies alter [...]

I absolutely loved Neil Patrick Harris on How I Met Your Mother. His character, Barney, had a sharp wit and a comedic sense of timing that could not have been played by anyone other than him. Recently, thanks to JIF and The Moms, I got to meet him in person and witness that wit and humor [...]

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post; however, my love of this fruit started in the womb. Gracias Mami and Papi! Arroz con gandules. Baked chicken. Escabeche de Guineos y Mollejas. And, the sides: tostones, with mojito, a garlic sauce; amarillos; and, the piece de resistance, my Papi’s favorite, avocado slices drizzled with a pinch of salt and lime. This [...]
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