
I've been anticipating the release of "The Hunger Games" since I read Suzanne Collins’ best-selling novel, the first in a trilogy. Check out The Hunger Games Store  I’m excited to bring you an exclusive opportunity to see THE HUNGER GAMES in San Jose, CA on Wednesday, March 21, two days before it opens in theaters nationwide. The [...]


I've been anticipating the release of "The Hunger Games" since I read Suzanne Collins’ best-selling novel, the first in a trilogy. Check out The Hunger Games Store  I’m excited to bring you an exclusive opportunity to see THE HUNGER GAMES in Avondale, Arizona on Wednesday, March 21, two days before it opens in theaters nationwide. The [...]


I've been anticipating the release of "The Hunger Games" since I read Suzanne Collins’ best-selling novel, the first in a trilogy. Check out The Hunger Games Store  I’m excited to bring you an exclusive opportunity to see THE HUNGER GAMES in Dallas, TX on Wednesday, March 21, two days before it opens in theaters nationwide. The [...]


I've been anticipating the release of "The Hunger Games" since I read Suzanne Collins’ best-selling novel, the first in a trilogy. Check out The Hunger Games Store  I’m excited to bring you an exclusive opportunity to see THE HUNGER GAMES in Chicago, IL on Wednesday, March 21, two days before it opens in theaters nationwide. The giveaway [...]


I've been anticipating the release of "The Hunger Games" since I read Suzanne Collins’ best-selling novel, the first in a trilogy. Check out The Hunger Games Store  I’m excited to bring you an exclusive opportunity to see THE HUNGER GAMES in New York City on Wednesday, March 21, two days before it opens in theaters nationwide. The [...]


A few weeks ago my son, Karl, went to Olive Garden in Times Square and loved it! You can read his review by clicking here. Not surprisingly, my teen was not the only one to give Olive Garden a rave review. A recent positive review by Marilyn Hagerty, an 85 year old food writer from North [...]


I'm excited to bring you a fantastic opportunity to see Beatriz Luengo LIVE in New York City on Wednesday, January 25! The giveaway, on behalf of Muve Music from Cricket Wireless, ends Tuesday, at 11am, EST. The winner must respond by noon to be included on the guest list. Beatriz Luengo's exclusive label release party [...]


In my previous post, I mentioned how much I enjoyed Disney's newest video game,  Disney Universe.  Rated E+, it's full of wholesome fun that the whole family can enjoy!  Alone or with friends, users can suit up as their favorite Disney or Pixar characters, defeat enemies, or their friends, for hours of fun!  Missed my review? Click here to read my Disney [...]


I'm excited to announce my FIRST Facebook giveaway, sponsored by CVS/pharmacy!   Details Theme: Ornament Throwdown Prize: $250 CVS Gift Card To Enter: Upload a photo of your favorite ornamant. Have your friends vote for your photo. Photo with the most votes WINS! Ends: January 4, 2011.   Good luck! / Suerte!     Let's [...]


As a single Mom with two boys it's fallen to me to take them to get their haircuts at the Barbershop. I admit the first few times I took Karl, I didn't know the names of the styles or what was in style at the moment. I just knew he needed a haircut! Once I [...]


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