Just reading the title, “Bedbugs Invaded My Home” makes me want to run screaming in an itchy frenzy, especially because its true!
I recently discovered that my apartment had bedbugs. The boys and I are currently staying at a hotel while my apartment is fumigated. It was a last minute arrangement. I just packed my family up and left at around 1 in the morning sometime last week because we could not sleep. Trust me a sleepless Ms. Latina is not a pretty sight!
I was able to get a good deal on a hotel room within the vicinity. It wouldn’t have been my first choice but it was within my budget, especially since it is going on two weeks now. The only problem is that I do not have WiFi! Yes people, I can NOT believe I selected a hotel without in-room WiFi! I finally broke down and purchased the Verizon Wireless’ Prepaid Mobile Broadband (like I needed another gasto/expense right?!) so here I am… happy to be blogging again!
That’s about the only thing that is actually making me happy because I had to throw out my furniture, including some custom designed pieces. We no longer have beds, dressers, sofas, etc. I also threw out lots of toys, linen and clothes. It broke my heart when my youngest saw me throwing out his rocking horse. He’s had it since he was one and kept pleading to keep it but I didn’t want to take a chance. Sighhhhhh
I’m hoping this ordeal is over soon so that we can return home. Its definitely hard staying with a teen and an 8 year old in a single room. The mood swings, arguments over the television and radio, battles over the bathroom and whining about sharing a bed could drive a person crazy and those are just the things I do!
But seriously I have to laugh about it all or pull my hairs out!
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I’m sure everything will be ok as soon as possible. Staying at a hotel with two kids is quite hard. Hope you can return to your home soon. =D
The Brown Mestizo
What a horrible experience. I hope they are all cleared up now, so you can get your life back to normal.
How very awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was beginning to think something was up with you. So very sorry.
omg! I cannot believe it. I hope it will not take much longer. Wishing you patience and endurance.
Oh man, I hope this gets resolved soon!!! ((hugs))
omg!!! how horrible so sorry for this extra stress
What an awful experience to have to go through! Hope things get cleared up soon so you can go home. Wishing the best for you.
Oh my goodness! I feel so bad for you!! I hope it’s all cleared up, and there will be no more signs of those things!!
Oh No! I hope that the issue gets resolved soon and that is also doesn’t affect your pockets. I know that is can be costly. Darn bugs!!! Grr!
On the other hand, staying at a hotel can also be nice. A change of scenery right?
Hope every thing works out quickly.
Thank you everyone for your well wishes!
I have to admit those bed bugs put a bee under my bonnet and actually helped me fulfill one of my New Year’s resolutions to clean house! I probably wouldn’t have tossed as much out without them!
OMG, this seem to be an epidemic as you are the 3rd person affected with this issue.
Jeez, try not to think about it too much! It will all be over soon….
oH Mi Dios! que horrible! I hope everything will be ok! Now yo estoy aterrorizada, que asco! con esas palgas.
No apegarse a las cosas materiales.A veces necesitamos una limpieza externa e interior( del espiritu). Aprendemos y comenzamos de nuevo. Manana sera una nueva oportunidad.
@ Sabrina: You are so right! There is an epidemic right now in New York! When I called 311 they said its concentrated in Manhattan and Brooklyn right now but my Mom said someone in her church (Bronx) had it too. She eventually moved out of her apt. Hope I don’t have to, I love my area!
Ick! Good luck that sounds awful.
I agree with you when I read the tittle it made me itchy! Especially because I had a problem with it myself. When we moved here I had to through my kids mattresses away.
Hope you get to move back in soon. I miss your Tweets
I was just having an argument with my son the other day who thought bed bugs weren’t real or no longer a problem in current times and I told him that bed bugs were alive and still causing havoc. I’m so sorry that you proved me right. I hope that you are back in your home soon.
Oh no! I’m so sorry your world has been turned upside down. I pray that things will return to normal quickly.
Besos y abrazos,
Holy Cow! That’s CRAZY! Happy things are slowly getting back to normal for you!
O so sorry to hear. Hope you are back home soon.