With escalating worries surrounding Covid-19 and its variants - the Delta and Omicron coronavirus, people suffering from diabetes and prediabetes, heart disease, cancer, and mental health may not be receiving the care needed. Taking action for our health is key to not just living longer but living well. In the Hispanic and Latinx community, we [...]
Migdalia Rivera

We are finding different ways of living in harmony. Our mismatched love languages, how we express and give love, are often at odds. Learning these differences is teaching us how to navigate life during a global pandemic.

Updated: Oct 11, 2021 If you're looking for a sweet taste of Puerto Rico, you must master the flan de queso or cream cheese flan. It is perfect for gatherings, with a cup of espresso or as a sweet treat after a meal. It is also a must-have during the holidays. Our original recipe does [...]

This past weekend, I received the COVID-19 vaccine. This was due in large part to the initiatives my state has created to ensure the Latino community has access to these life-saving vaccines. Based on conversations with family and friends, this is not the case throughout our nation. Sadly, the Latinx community is facing an undue [...]

Photo Credit: DiscoverPuertoRico.com Although I was born on the island and attended school in Puerto Rico, I have spent most of my life in States. But la isla del encanto / the island of love calls out to me on a daily basis, especially now during this time of isolation and confinement. The thought of [...]

When I think of runners, I think of long, lean bodies. I don't have that type of body. And yet, I run.

Click HERE to read this article in Spanish. This post is sponsored by the Anthem Foundation. Maria* has two children. She works a part-time job while attending college to become a nurse. She also works as a house cleaner on weekends and, when available, as a brand ambassador at local conventions. Yet, even though she is a [...]

Haga clic AQUÍ para leer este artículo en inglés. Esta publicación está patrocinada por Anthem Foundation. Maria* tiene dos hijos. Ella trabaja a tiempo parcial mientras estudia para ser enfermera. También trabaja como limpiadora de casas los fines de semana y, cuando está disponible, como embajadora de marca en convenciones locales. Sin embargo, a pesar [...]

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. It was created in collaboration with Inside Rx; however, my experience as an Inside Rx card-carrying member is strictly my own. The Inside Rx trademarks and graphics are provided by Inside Rx, LLC. Prescription drug costs have risen over 10% in 2019, while in many cases wages have stayed stagnant. [...]

Given the importance of stress and its effects on a person's mental health, Latina On a Mission has opted to share the below sponsored Spanish Op-ed written by Jorge Cortina, MD, Medical Director for Behavioral Health at Anthem, Inc. You can read a loosely translated and condensed version of Dr. Cortina's Op-ed by clicking here: Let’s Start [...]
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