Last week I posted about the awards that I received from Soon to be Mrs. K of Saving Money for a Wedding and Deal Fanatic, this week I am passing them on!
Here are the rules:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs (10 according to Soon to be Mrs. K) that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Note: I chose 15 but award recipients can do 10 if they like!
My Latinalicious selections are listed below. Stop by and give them a Latinalicious HOLA/HELLO!
Blogs that help you save:
- Cuponeando– A Spanish Coupon Site
- Penny Pinching Diva – all sorts of coupons
Blogs created by Latinas:
- Pear Mama I love her! She is hilarious, while being very very real!
- Hecho para Mama – Perfect for new moms (English/Spanish)
- Setting Stones
Random Blogs:
- Pulsipher Predilections Funny!
- Momo Fali’s Blog
- Peanut Butter & Smelly’s Dad
- Coach Blogger Adventures of a single Daddy raising four girls (Its always good to know the flip side!)
- Grosgrain– Wonderful Sewing site- One day I hope to be able to sew like her (Yeah I can dream!)
- The Art of Random Willy-Nillyness GREAT Giveaway and review blog
- Look What Mom Found Another wonderful giveaway and review blog
- Around the Island– I discovered this blog during my Wordless Wednesday jaunts around the blog-o-sphere. She lives in Israel and has some amazing pictures!
Christian Blogs:
- Mornings With Mom– Another blog created by Penny Pinching Diva above
- Cortnee’s Corner
- Muthering Heights
I did 16 but I figured the Penny Pinching blog and Mornings With Mom count as one since its the same person who created them. I just stuck them in different sections.
I have so many more blogs that I really enjoy reading that were not included above since the rules state that they must be new blogs that I have recently discovered. These other blogs are just as amazing as the ones above and can be found in my blogroll (which I seriously need to update!). Please take a moment to check those out also.
Congrats to these amazing bloggers. Jerry Maguire said it best when he said, “We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors. I love you. You… complete me. ” Yes I say “You… you complete me…” Now pass it on! 😀
{ 3 comments… add one }
Thank you, that’s so sweet. I really like your blog too – I’m getting great insights into parenting older kids :).
Summer Stock Sunday is up and running – come join us!
Robin from Israel’s last blog post..Jerusalem’s Old City – A Study In Contrasts
Great- I know its hard to pick blogs- as there are so many I love too!! Hope your week is going great.
Soon to Be Mrs. K’s last blog post..ALM Designs Review and Giveaway
I just saw this. Thanks for the love!