In today’s consistently warming weather it is becoming more and more important to stay moisturized. As shorts and short sleeved shirts once again make an appearance we’re reminded yet again that dry knees and ashy elbows are never a good look.
They are easily avoidable with just a bit of lotion but as a teen, a male one at that, this application is so easily forgotten. We become more concerned with the way our clothes look and the way we smell than the body that’s underneath it all!
Dove has taken a step to solve this problem. New to their Men+Care line is Clean Defense, Oil Balancing , Micro Moisture Body & Face wash. It’s like a sword with two blades. Not only does it make you smell like a man, it moisturizes you so the women in your life will stare at your face, not the knees and elbows that were once gray!
When I paired Dove’s body wash with their Active Clean Dual Sided Shower Tool I really noticed a difference in my skin. The soap didn’t leave me feeling like I had a layer of oil on my skin like many other moisturizing body washes have. The scrub side of the Active Clean Shower Tool also supplemented the moisturization of the body wash by exfoliating away all my dead skin. I am happy to say that I no longer have ashy elbows and dry knees.
The icing on the cake was the Aqua Impact Dove deodorant. It’s refreshing scent complimented that of the body wash and had me getting compliments left and right!
Its a great feeling knowing that now the only way I’ll forget to moisturize is if I don’t take a shower at all; because I know that won’t ever happen! :p
Written by Karl Rivera
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Thanks for the review Karl! Genius of you to post it here for us women who buy their hubbys’ personal care items. Will give this line a try.
Gracias Karl. Def going to tell hubby to use it.
Down with the ashy man-elbows! that’s good to know. I saw some coupons in the Sunday paper for Dove Men+Care. I’ll buy it for my 16yo old.