I am the mother of two precious boys. I do not have a daughter, but I dream of her. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my boys–but I would enjoy nothing more than to share, and make memories, with a daughter as well.
My sons were planned, and thought out blessings, who will carry on the Campos name. A daughter, on the other hand, would be an entirely different sort of blessing- she would touch the hearts of my husband and I, as our boys have, but in her own unique way.
My letter to my unborn daughter (if I should ever be blessed to have one) would be this:
Querida Hija,
You were planned out right from the start, just like your brothers were. I dreamt of you, preparing myself spiritually, and emotionally, for your arrival.
You are a gift to our family.
I want to welcome you into the arms of a mother who will never turn her back on you, no matter what the situation. You will never lack my love or have to question the my devotion to you. Although I am not perfect, I have learned from what has been modeled to me. I will correct what I have seen in my past. I will never repeat those mistakes. You have my promise. You will always be able count on me.
Please know that you will never have to fear judgement. Our relationship will be bonded by our mother-daughter connection and no one will ever be able to break that. Never fear that anyone could come between us for our force is, and will always be, unbreakable. There may be times that you get upset with me, or dislike my opinion, and I know I will with you as well, but know that you’ll be respected and always adored by me. You were given this life to become your own independent person, with me supporting you along the way.
If you ever have any questions, or any fears about anything, know that I am right here. You’re worth everything in the world to me. I never want you to forget that. I want you to feel what I haven’t felt from my own mother in a very long time. I want you to feel love every. single. day. until you’re old and gray and even when I’m gone.
As Mother’s Day comes and goes, know someday when you have your own little girl, I only expect for you to pass along the same to her. Never let anyone come between your bond. Love her until forever, as I promise to do with you.
Until we meet,
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This made me cry – for many reasons.
#1 Because I know how much of a rockstar mom eileen is to her boys- as a teacher, as a wife, as a mother – she loves her family fearlessly and it is motivating
#2 Because the same love she carries for her unborn daughter she’s shown to me and my daughter from afar
Eileen – you are an amazing woman, and I am so glad to know you. I’m glad our friendship has been able to evolve and I’m so happy to call you my friend.
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What a beautiful statement to a little girl. Like you, I have boys, but deep down I’d love to add a girl to our family.
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