During the chat, one item stuck out the most for me. I have to admit it boggled my mind when I read the comment. It seems you can make cake – yes CAKE – in a slow cooker! Am I the only one that thinks this is crazy cool?! Please tell me I’m not!
I’m not sure if the idea of a slow cooker cake appeals to me because I haven’t eaten dessert since I became a Lucille Roberts Ambassador or because it came from George Duran’s lips. Sigh. In the end, it doesn’t matter because I cannot let that cake, or any other cake for that matter, touch these lips or it’ll definitely they’ll definitely land on these hips!
What I can focus on are George Duran’s 7 tips noted below. They will make this busy Latina’s life so much easier.
- Slow cooker recipes can be made up to two days in advance.
- To make clean up easy, spray your slow cooker with PAM. Use PAM before adding ingredients and the slow cooker washes out easily.
- Fish does not cook well in a slow cooker.
- Try sauteing beef before adding to the slow cooker. By searing the beef, you caramelize the outside and add a lot of flavor to your dish.
- Fresh vegtables can get mushy in a slow cooker; as a result, you should add them at the very end.
- Consider using canned ingredients, versus fresh ingredients, in your slow cooker. They have a richer taste and retain more of the nutrients.
- It doesn’t matter what slow cooker brand you use, as long as the design, size and options work for your needs.
Not sure what to make in a slow cooker? Go to readyseteat.com for fast and easy slow cooker recipes.
Let’s talk! Do you have any slow cooker tips you can share? Leave them in a comment!
Disclosure: As a host of the cooking connections class, my time is compensated. As always my opinions and love for cooking are solely my own.
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Am a recent convert to the Slow Cooker Crew! That baby helps making that family meal easy, breezy! I love a good pot roast in slow cooker, making sure to pre-marinate the protein before it goes into the cooker! Um-um-good! Not sure if I’d ever try the cakes, but who knows, maybe if I have a couple of folks over…might give it a whirl!
A cake? Wow, that’s creative. I use my slow cooker once in a while, but definitely not enough!
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