Every Thursday at the Lucille Roberts Gym I meet with a nutritionist and weigh in. I have to admit it’s the most stressful and rewarding day of my week.
At the beginning of the session, the nutritionist obtains my stats using the Ironman Glass InnerScan Body Composition Monitor. It tells us my weight, body fat , body water and muscle mass weight. It also tells me my metabolic age (how old my body believes it is). My metabolic age is 50. I’m hoping to lower this as much as possible by the time March rolls around.
Having a nutritionist work with me has helped me considerably. Every week, she’s given me some ideas that I have been able to incorporate into my lifestyle. She’s also made sure to go at my pace. My body and lifestyle are unique – as are yours; as a result, the nutritionist can’t hand me a one size fits all nutrition plan. It won’t work. Taking into account my lifestyle (stressful), my job (sedentary) and my current fitness level (sedentary), she was able to give me tips on how to jack up my metabolic rate.
Below I’ve noted a few of her suggestions. Keep in mind these were her suggestions to me and may not work for everyone.
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Have you used any of the above suggestions to lose weight? Or, do you have any suggestions that would help us in our weight loss journey? Share them with us in a comment!
Disclosure: I am a Lucille Roberts Ambassador. I am given access to the gym and their services so that I can provide an honest review of the same.
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Those are some great tips and pretty easy to follow!
Christina They really are and the guidance is making it so much easier to lose the weight!
Ms. Latina recently posted..Payless Settles Class Action Text Messaging Lawsuit
You go girl! So proud you are doing it. Next time I see you, you will be a skinny minnie!
Carolyn G Woot! Hopefully, I’ll be able to fit into my old clothes! And yes, feel free to call me Skinny Minnie anytime
Ms. Latina recently posted..Payless Settles Class Action Text Messaging Lawsuit