I discovered this Latinalicious coupon on Saving Money for a Wedding. Soon to be Mrs. K has wonderful information to help you save money for a wedding (couldn’t you tell by the title?). She also has some wonderful giveaways that feature wedding gear, jewelry, and much more! She discovered this goodie that I’m passing onto you!
I’ve never heard of Dots; however, the coupon had me intrigued. Saving money always does that to me! I decided to search the web, by using Swagbucks of course! It just wouldn’t be Latinaliciously frugal of me if I didn’t use the opportunity to make a few swag bucks while I was searching the web would it? I was overjoyed to discover that Dots is a fashionable store with reasonable prices.
I found lots of summer dresses that can be used over jeans or on their own. I also found one dress that would look absolutely gorgeous with a cardigan for casual Friday that retailed for $20 (see below). Most of their trendy pieces were retailing for $30 or less. I can’t guarantee the material or that the clothes will still be in style next year, but they are pieces that can update what you already have in your closet without breaking the bank.
If you complete a short survey you will be able to print out a ten dollar coupon. The coupon expires on May 11, 2009. I suggest you also download it as an Adobe PDF. This will allow you to print several for your friends and family. Click HERE to complete the survey. Click HERE to find a store near you.
On a side note, if Dots clothes does not appeal to you, you can always use the coupon and stash the item you purchase for a future Christmas or Birthday gift!
{ 3 comments… add one }
Cool! My cousin doesn’t live to far from the Dots on Staten Island. My aunt loves to go shopping there. I will pass this info on to her. Thanks!
Hey – I stumbled on this website by mistake. I was looking in Yahoo for Registry software that I had already purchased when I found your site, I must say your site is pretty cool I just love the theme, its amazing!. I don’t have the time today to totally read your site but I have bookmarked it and also will sign up for your RSS feed. I will be back around in a day or two. thanks for a great site.
A common misconception is that crafting and hobby blogs and websites don’t make money, they’re just all about the love of the craft.